23 April 1564 – William Shakespeare
My photo of Shakespeare's Birthplace Happy 450th Birthday to William Shakespeare! Although it is not actually known which…
The REAL TRUTH about Anne Boleyn - The Most Happy
My photo of Shakespeare's Birthplace Happy 450th Birthday to William Shakespeare! Although it is not actually known which…
St George's day, 23 April 1536, brought the first outward sign that the Boleyns were losing their influence.…
On the 22nd April 1536, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, who had been away from court staying at his country…
The new king, the young Henry VIII At 11pm on Saturday 21st April 1509, the fifty-two year-old King…
On Easter Sunday, in Tudor times, the candles in the church and around the sepulchre were extinguished, and…
On 20th April 1534, Elizabeth Barton, a Benedictine nun who became known as 'the Nun of Kent' or…
I just wanted to share with you some photos from last night's Maundy Thursday procession in my village.…