24 June 1509 – A Midsummer coronation for the new king and queen

On this day in Tudor history, 24 June 1509, Midsummer’s Day and the Feast of St John the Baptist, England’s new king, seventeen-year-old Henry VIII, and his bride of thirteen days, Catherine of Aragon, were crowned king and queen by William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, in a joint ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London.

The Winter King was dead and young King Henry VIII’s accession brought new hope and joy to the English people, and was something to celebrate.

In today’s “on this day in Tudor history” video, I draw on contemporary sources to tell you more about what happened that day in 1509.

I’m doing these videos on a daily basis for the Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society Channel, so do head on over to the channel to catch up or to have a browse. There is also a playlist on “Questions about Anne Boleyn”. Please do consider subscribing to the channel too as it helps other Tudor history lovers find my videos – click here – thank you!

I’ve had lots of emails and comments from people asking for an audio-only version of my “on this day” talks so from today onwards you can listen to my talks as podcasts via my Podbean page – https://tudorhistory.podbean.com/.

And, if you prefer reading, you can read the article on which my talk was based – click here.

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