2022 Anne Boleyn Files Advent Calendar

December 10: Anne Boleyn Coronation Ornament

Rebecca Monet is the author of the Queen Anne Boleyn Paper Doll book available on anneboleynpaperdoll.com. She has shared a lovely recreation of what Anne Boleyn might have looked like from an original artwork by Rebecca Monet and Ashley Risk which you can use to make a beautiful Christmas decoration.

Suggestions for ornament making:

Cut out and place inside a clear plastic orb from craft store, adding tinsel or dried flowers or any mix of lovely decorative objects

** Or **

“Mod Podge” or shellac onto a flat circular wood ornament from the craft store or handmade

** Or **

Simply print out using heavy card stock and use a velvet ribbon through a small hole made at the top

** Or ** Any way your creativity takes you!

Please share on FB or IG and tag us! We would love to see what you do! @rebeccamonet2 and @faketudorhistory on IG and on Facebook both: https://www.facebook.com/rebeccamonet2 And Ashley Risk at the “Anne Boleyn Obsessed” FB Group at facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/825030480906864