Anne Boleyn: The Woman Behind the Myths

13-15 December
Welcome to the sign-up page for Anne Boleyn the Woman Behind the Myths – Live 13-15 December 2021!
I’m so happy that you want to join me for these live talks and Q&A sessions. Thank you!
If you’re already on the Anne Boleyn Files mailing list then you don’t need to do anything further. You will receive full details of these talks, including times for the different time zones and transcripts of my talks following each live event.
If you’re not on the Anne Boleyn Files mailing list, please subscribe using the box below. You’ll need to do this to find out the times of the talks, to receive talk transcripts AND to find out about my big Anne Boleyn online event taking place in Spring 2022. You’ll also get the 5 free gifts mentioned as a thank you for subscribing.
Worried about missing the talks? Don’t worry, you’ll receive reminder emails and if you can’t make them then you’ll be able to enjoy the replays.
If you have any trouble signing up here, then you can email me at and I’ll make sure you receive all the details.

Join my mailing list to find out ALL ABOUT this event
You’ll get my free reports as a thank you just for joining the list!
- Report: The Fall of Anne Boleyn
- Report: The Other Boleyn Girl – Fiction versus Fact
- Report: Anne Boleyn’s Love-life
- Book list: Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII Books
- Exclusive: Anne Boleyn Primary Source List
You will only get to hear about the details for this event if you’re on my mailing list so make sure you join!
Note: Don’t worry if you don’t receive an email about the event straight away, I’ll be sending regular ones between now and 13th December.