You can read this article at 31 May 1533 Anne Boleyn’s Coronation Procession
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Remember to check out Nasim’s flickr page as it has great photos of the various streets along the processional route plus a map of the route so you can follow it yourself.
I love this website and have been following your articles and the responses for some time now. I realize that the majority of the participants are certain of Anne’s complete innocence and I concur. However, had a thought…
Thomas Boleyn was clever and ambitious – George Boleyn was clever and ambitious – Anne Boleyn was clever and ambitious – Henry VIII was at least periodically impotent but a son and heir was required…logically, if any child Anne produced did not look like a Tudor, it had better have looked like a Boleyn…perhaps incest became their only option (and probably the only case of adultery).
Again, just a thought…
Thanks again for the continuing entertainment.
Anne was no saint, she was a woman who aqchieved notoriety through destiny. and she got into trouble.But, I sincerely believe she had morals and a active consciience, so , for me,incest? Too much!!!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but mine is that I don’t think that Anne was capable of incest. I have read many books on the subject and from what I have learned over the years is that she was a very ambitious person, yes, but she was also religious and devoted to her faith, as was her brother. Incest was out of the question. Also I believe that she had too much invested in the marriage with Henry and I don’t think she would have risked getting caught having an affair with her own brother. I agree with Sylvia that Anne was no saint, and no one is perfect, but I just don’t think she was capable of incest. Or any affair for that matter. In my opinion she was simply a victim of the times and the men in her life who eventually brought her down. Along with her own strong-willed nature.
Forgot to mention, great article by the way! Makes me wish I could go back to London right now and travel the procession route!
I have always wondered what Anne may have thought on her coronation day because I’m sure there were many mixed emotions at the time, especially among the English people. I’m sure a lot of them were devoted to Katherine, but maybe some of them were also hopig that Anne would be the saving grace that England needed to produce a male heir. I’m sure there was a lot of hopefulness among the people on that day, as well as some resentment that Anne was essentially replacing their beloved Katherine. I know if I were Anne, I would have been feeling a lot of anxiety and pressure! And maybe the feeling of starting over and a new beginning. The feeling of security also – Henry had finally made her his Queen after all those years.
I agree with Sylvia and that Anne would not commit an act that the Christian world is so against. She did not live in a pagan world, like the Ptolemys of Egypt. Sounds like London did a great show – hard to imagine all that work being done in 2 weeks.
I wish I could have seen her coronation. I bet it was beautiful. I just noticed that she was proclaimed Queen on my birthday, April 12th.
I loved this article! Thanks for the great information…I felt as if I were with Anne during her magnificent procession. And I found it so sweet that Elizabeth wanted to spend more time looking at the images of her parents. I truly believe that Anne left a legacy that the world will never forget.
Thankyou, lisaannejane! Anne loved Henry. I truly believe that-and he loved her.And she was desperate and frustrated and hurt, and maybe made the mistake that she thought she wouldcome first in his life before his kingdom and I think, he also had a feling that he was letting himself down and his realm by not producing an heir. And then he started to make mistakes and the whole situation spiralled out of control and they both started to lose their grip. When you consider her scaffold speech, you know she says everything there is to be said about her character, and she would never have died peacefully and with such conviction with ìncest hanging over her head. And one must also remember that her coronation procession was not perfect as sumptious as it was. She was not accepted,she was booed, hats were not taken off, people were silent or yelled wh*re, or in a derogative way, `Nan Bullen`! Which , to me personally goes to show, what a wonderful, strong sound character she had to still want to be a good wife and Queen.
I bought my mum the Wilkinson book for her birthday yesterday and she was thrilled (she refuses to learn to us the net, which is sad as I talked up both of Claire’s sites to try and persuade her 🙁 ) and my father chimed in, “Anne Boleyn? She committed incest!” Chorus of Mum, self and husband, ” Oh no she didn’t!” Whatever else Anne left behind as a legacy, people talking about her still is just one of them!
Just a thought….
I continue learning so much from the articles that have been posted. I appreciate the wealth of info. shared with us and the fact that I am always left wanting more. I want to travel and see more, pick up a book and read more….It’s sad that most people just accept the worst instead of researching on their own to form their own opinions. Luckily, I think most of us on this site agree to be on Team Anne Boleyn.
Thanks for offering so much more than just “entertainment”.
Thank you Claire for allowing me to post an article on your site!!
Sylvia – Anne Boleyn was not booed at her coronation; this was reported by individuals who did not witness the event. Nor did they shout ‘Nan Bullen’ in a disrespectful fashion. Unfortunately two accounts of the day, both composed by men who did not witness the event, have been extensively relied upon by subsequent historians. Chapuys argued that the day was unsuccessful, but given the many discrepancies in the report (like his false claim that the Imperial eagle was put on display), and the fact that he staunchly refused to attend thus did not see the event for himself, makes him a very unreliable individual to listen to.
Undoubtedly the people of the city were for Katherine – this had been shown before the event, and would be shown after (notably in a demonstration against Anne in the summer of 1535). But not only would they have been foolhardy to the point of insane to have shown such sentiments on the day of the coronation procession, and in front of the monarch who was participating in the event, but the Londoners also appreciated entertainment. They saw the spectacles, drank the free wine and listened to the music, and then probably grumbled in the privacy of their own homes.
A little snarky there, Nancy Alex – the fact that I consider this “entertainment” does not denigrate this site or its marvelous articles – from my browsing I felt comfortable suggesting an alternative, throught-provoking possibility (no disrespect was intended). In any case, carry on!
Hey guys, please don’t get upset with each other. I so appreciate all of you and the support you give me xx
Thanks Claire!