Yann’s Entry

Queen Anne, The Concubine, The Scandal Of Christendom, whatever her nicknames, was to be executed at 9 o’clock, today, the 19th of May. Many rumours have been wide spread about the reasons of her trial and all were saying that the Lady, using witchcraft, bewitched the King as well as many other men, committed adultery with them as well as incest with her Brother, Lord Rochford. Well, the woman I saw this morning, walking to the scaffold,was none of these . She was to be executed as a traitor and yet possessed this unique, regal look that only a Queen could possess. She may have been scared to death in her inner-self but showed nothing of it, behaving boldly, as if she owned everything, including the secrets of Allmighty God.
She did not speak wildly but rather formally, what may be seen as unsual for a Lady so much known for her fiery, intemperate nature. However,she could not hide her mesmerizing black eyes and that smirk of hers that may well have captured the King’s Grace’s Heart. “Humbly asking pardon of all the world”, she removed her jewels,hood and ermine mantle, put a white linen on her black crow hair. Kneeling, with that outstanding grace of her, she started to pray, saying “To Jesus I recommend my soul, Jesus receive my soul”. The only sight of fear I saw in the behaviour of this Lady was her staring at the executioner, while blindfolded, to see if the sword was coming…
Like a Rose, A Tudor Rose on the Grave Of Love, her delicate head was cut off in a subtle blow… And Whereas the crowned, the most happy falcon was no more, a Phoenix was rising…
By Yann Kergourlay from Brittany, France
- “The Life and Death Of Anne Boleyn”, Eric Ives
- The Anne Boleyn Files