As today marks the anniversary of Catherine of Aragon giving birth to a daughter, who was either stillborn or did not survive long, in 1518, I thought you might be interested in reading my article on the obstetric histories of Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn.
Click here to read the article now.
Other articles about Catherine:
- Catherine of Aragon – The Boring One?
- Did an Eating Disorder Prevent Catherine of Aragon Having a Son?
How much greater Katherine’s labour pains would have been today all those years ago, as she sadly would have come to relised by now that this would more than likely be her last pregnancy.
For there to be no happy outcome after all the other losses is heart breaking. Katherine’s disappointment of the baby being a girl, I’m sure, would have quickly been surpassed if she had at last given birth to a healthy child to hold in her arms.
I know that infant mortality was high in those days, but it seems poor Katherine was dealt more than her fair share in this, it does seem to point to underlying health issues.
I actually feel sorry for Henry too in the loss of all his children, I am sure he would have been saddend at all his children dying, in the beginning anyway, before he lost all reason and it became his ‘bloody mission’ in life to get his male heir, at any cost.
Interesting and informative as always Claire! What do you think of the “Blood will Tell” thesis on the reasons for Katherine and later Anne’s miscarriages and still births?