Claire is going live on YouTube and Facebook!

I haven’t done a live on the Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube channel for a while – sorry! – so I thought I’d do a couple of live talks on Elizabeth I, who was, of course, the daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII.

I will be going live simultaneously on YouTube and the Anne Boleyn Files, Elizabeth Files and Claire Ridgway Facebook pages on 27th and 28th August.

Here are the details:

27 August – How did Elizabeth ‘become’ Elizabeth I?

What made Elizabeth the woman and queen she was?
I’ll be exploring the events and influences that shaped Elizabeth in her youth and pre-accession years.
My talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

London – 27 August at 10pm
New York – 27 August at 5pm
Los Angeles – 27 August at 2pm
Sydney – 28 August at 7am
Madrid – 27 August at 11pm

The live will last approximately 1 hour.

28 August – Was Elizabeth I really a man?

I’ll be looking at the Bisley Boy legend and the idea that Elizabeth I was really a man.
My talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

London – 28 August at 10pm
New York – 28 August at 5pm
Los Angeles – 28 August at 2pm
Sydney – 29 August at 7am
Madrid – 28 August at 11pm

The live will last approximately 1 hour.

You can convert the time to your time zone by using

Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube channel
Anne Boleyn Files Facebook page
Elizabeth Files Facebook page
Claire Ridgway Facebook page

I do hope you can join me!

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