1:55 am
November 18, 2010
Hannele said
We don’t know if Anne intended to show Tyndale’s book to Henry. She was forced to do it after the book she had loaned to her friend was stolen by her friend’s fiancee and Anne was thus in danger.
Further, one cannot draw the conclusion that “directly from this” came the Acts of Succession and Supremacy. Otherwise, Henry would have acted on his own after reading the book, but it took years of vain efforts until Cromwell with his brilliant abilities developed those Acts.
I’m reasonably sure Henry knew aout Tyndale’s book since it was on his orders it was banned. I doubt he had read it at that time . Either More or Wolsey possibly did and recommended it’s banning.
If Anne hadn’t shown it to Henry then some-one else who was high in Henry’s favour would have. I suspect that either Cramner but much more likely Cromwell may have been brave enough to show him ” The Obedience of a Christen man”.
Regarding the various Acts of Succession , what Henry wantd..it was for parliment to deliver….sooner or later..ONce a few notable exampls were made at the pointy end.
Henry was possibly the last truely autrocratic ruler of England. The regency council of Edward VI and the fact that the councillors thought that women couldn’t rule effectively steadily eroded the potlitical power of the throne.
It's always bunnies.
7:15 pm
January 3, 2012
I always view Henry’s actions at finally reading Tyndales book, was his own. Like it has been said he knew of it’s existance so I believe that at first he was curious about what this man Tyndale had said..
It’s a little like Martin Luther’s arguememnt, in order for Henry to produce an arguement against it, (which as we all know earned him the title of Fideo Defensor) he had to read it.
It could well be that by reading Tyndales book he was mearly looking for a way of getting the Pope to reconsider his verdict, about Henry and Katherine’s marriage being legal and valid.
I agree that Anne was the one who gave him the book, but I don’t agree that she was the one who was instrumental in pulling the church apart.
If that was the case then why didn’t he go back crown in hand to the Pope after he had murdered Anne?
I believe that the Martin Luther’s arguement, planted the seeds of the religious strife that were to take place, but Tyndales book made those seeds germinate.
Semper Fidelis, quod sum quod