7:36 pm
November 18, 2010
In Brief Gaudy Hour, MCB mentions Wyatt stealing a small jewel on a chain from Anne. Later in a bowling match , he makes Henry jealous by using it to prove Wyatt’s was the closer ball. (pps 169-175)
Alison Weir also mentions it in her The Six Wives of Henry VIII (pages 162-3).
Did this really happen? I’m guessing both ladies used George Wyatt’s books as sources. It seems popular in fiction as I can remember at least 1 other book using it as a plot device( can’t remember which one ATM….)
It's always bunnies.
5:31 pm
February 24, 2010
Ive’s, in TLDAB, pgs 81-82, states that Anne Zouche (nee, Gainsford) told George Wyatt the story of how Thomas took from Anne a jewel hanging from a lace out of her pocket. He kept the jewel and would not return it to Anne. Wyatt wore it around his neck promising either to have it with her favor or as an occasion to talk with her. Anne did not make a fuss over it, either because it wasn’t worth that much, or it wasn’t worth ‘striving for.’
After this happened Zouche tells G. Wyatt the story of the game of bowls. Ive’s says ‘Henry claimed that his wood held shot, which it clearly did not.’ (whatever that means!) Henry pointed to a ring on his finger that belonged to Anne and supposedly said, “Wyatt, I tell thee it is mine.” ‘Finding the king bent for pleasure,’ Wyatt pulled out the ribbon with the jewel attached saying, “If it may like your majesty to give me leave to measure it, I hope it will be mine.” Henry’s good mood vanished and he stalked off the field to see Anne. She explained how Thomas had taken the jewel, and here Ives says, ‘Sunshine was restored.’
Ive’s doesn’t know how exact this story is. When Zouche told the story to Wyatt, she was in her eighties. When Wyatt wrote about this, it was ten or twenty years later. ( around 1590)