2:15 am
November 18, 2010
their headline not mine
King of England from 1509 to 1547. Much like most guys that look like Kevin James in King of Queens, he was married 6 times. He separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Dissolved the monasteries. Oversaw the legal union of England and Wales. Banged all kinds of chicks constantly and did it with the blessing and permission of each and every one of them (even if they didn’t know it) because he was the king. He was underwhelmed.
Without a very distinctive name (Henry, the 8th), he is quite possibly most famous for his dissatisfaction with marriage (married 6 times). Or, perhaps for the fact that he became grossly obese and developed pus-filled boils all over his body prior to his passing. Or because was known for taking breakups worse than most female leads of romantic comedies.
Quite possibly the most popular historical figure who was constantly dissatisfied sexually, he either had the worst possible dumping method or found the greatest excuse in history to keep sampling women like they were 4 different kinds of sausages at CostCo.
Never satisfied with any of his wives, Henry VIII ordered them to death if they could not produce a male heir.
He went through 6 wives (and countless other women, according to HBO) and was never reprimanded for being such a scoundrel. He’s quite possibly the only sex-crazed historical pervert on this list that was revered for his perviness.
Henry died from obesity and pus-filled boils that covered his body. It was not lupus.
rest of article here http://www.ranker.com/list/the…..au-iverson
It's always bunnies.
2:10 am
November 18, 2010
5:17 pm
February 24, 2010
5:25 pm
December 5, 2009
5:32 pm
February 24, 2010
12:41 pm
January 3, 2012
I wouldn’t say Henry was a pervert, but I would say he was lecherious. I agree that he probably was sexually unsatified, but then I rather think that with Henry the thrill of the chase where women were concerned was actually more exciting than the kill. Anne was different from any other woman that he had lusted after. KOA was the subservient lie back and take it wife, J.S was the same, K.P still muddling my way through this one although I do believe he did try to have sexual intercourse with K.P. AOC turned him right off but Anne B and K.H had that certain something which inflamed his ardour. Although even Henry made a remark about Anne to Suffolk I believe that he was sick to saity (excuse spelling) of Anne, meaning that he had enough of sex with her. So from the point of view of being sexually unsatified I can kind of agree with that point. I rather think if K.H hadn’t of been a naughty wench he would have got bored with her sexually too. Henry like variety and there simply wasn’t enough to go around.
Henry perhaps would have been happy if he had had a copy of the Karma Sutra to hand. The Karma Sutra is best described as a Mrs Beeton’s cookbook for sex maniacs.
Henry must have a very high sex drive, but of course in his later years his mind was willing but his body wasn’t and that must have been very frustrating for him.
Semper Fidelis, quod sum quod