12:19 am
January 7, 2013
Hi everyone – I’m from the UK and currently studying Law at university (though I find myself itching to switch to history)
I stumbled across this board and ended up spending my evening reading the various articles and it has reignited my interest in Anne.
Little bit of info: for my 19th birthday last year I visited the Tower of London but unfortunately didn’t gain access to to the chapel. I have plans to revisit again this summer (for my 20th!) to pay my respects to Anne and Sir Thomas Moore (while not religious myself, I greatly admire his devotion to his faith). Oh and I am rather fond of the Tudors series.
Anyway, I now plan to read books about Anne but of course, so many! Can anyone recommend the best ones to begin with?
12:34 am
January 3, 2012
Welcome to our family home Cersei, we are a mixed bunch of scalleywags who enjoy lively debate, and sharing the odd joke or 2 as well.
I look forward to reading your posts.
As for books well you can’t go wrong Dr Starkey he is extremely consise and to the point. Try to avoid Phillipa Gregory books if you can she is without doubt one of the most frustrating authors to ever grace the planet. I guess your’ve been reading the forum pages so will know how most of actually feel about her.
Feel free to jump right in with any questions you might have, someone is bound to know the answer.
Semper Fidelis, quod sum quod
4:34 am
November 18, 2010
Bonjour et bienvenue.
Personally, I’d stick to law since there are generally more jobs available in thet field and you can use the skills you have honed to be a good historian in your spare time.
The late Eric Ives was a very good Tudor historian,his Life and Death of Anne Boleyn is a very good starter book for Anne related works.
As for fiction, there are people who like some authors and some who like other authors and the discussions get …quite intereasrting at times. But always very polite for the most part.
It's always bunnies.
5:15 pm
June 7, 2010
5:53 pm
February 24, 2010
Hi and welcome Cersei!
The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn by Eric Ives is my bible for everything Anne. David Starkey’s, Six Wives is excellent, too. We discuss many authors and books in the forum. There are many posts about authors we love and authors we question. Take a look at the Books and Movie section and go from there. Best of luck to you in your studies.