8:32 pm
January 9, 2010
Okay, so I've been confused over this for a while….
How long did Christmas celebrations last in Tudor times? Was it the traditional twelve days of Christmas? And I know they usually gave presents out at New Years but when exactly was that? Didn't the New Year actually start sometime in March? I know they were on a different calendar system back then.
If someone could help clarify, it would be very much appreciated!
9:38 am
February 24, 2010
10:02 am
April 11, 2011
Bella, as well as Sharon's link above, which explains the differences in when the Tudor New Year started, there is a very good description of a Tudor Christmas on the link below (I hope this works, I'm rubbish at this sort of thing!), which was put on the AB files in December 2009. Although the Tudor New Year started in March, Christmas celebrations still kept the same dates that we know today.