This week’s #FridayFun is a quiz testing your knowledge of the events leading up to the execution of Queen Anne Boleyn in 1536. It doesn’t seem right to call it fun, does it?



#1. Anne Boleyn miscarried a male foetus on the same day as this event.

Anne miscarried on 29th January 1536, the day that Catherine was laid to rest at Peterborough Abbey.

#2. According to Chapuys, Henry VIII wore this colour “from top to toe” when celebrating Catherine of Aragon’s death.

#3. On which feast day did Anne Boleyn’s almoner, John Skip, preach a controversial sermon?

#4. On 18th March 1536, Anne was described as being in an “intense rage” due to this man being appointed to the privy chamber.

#5. Anne thought that her brother, Lord Rochford, would be elected to the Order of the Garter in April 1536, but he wasn’t. Who was?

#6. On 29th April 1536, Anne Boleyn had encounters with two courtiers, Sir Henry Norris and ………

#7. On 1st May 1536, Henry VIII left the May Day joust abruptly and rode to this palace with Sir Henry Norris.

#8. Where was Anne Boleyn on 2nd May 1536, when she was arrested?

#9. True or false: Anne’s brother, George Boleyn, Lord Rochford, was arrested on the same day as Anne?

#10. Where in the Tower of London was Anne Boleyn imprisoned following her arrest?


If you missed the first quiz, you can do that by clicking here.

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