George Boleyn: Anne Boleyn’s Brilliant Brother – Anne Boleyn Week 2024 – Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of Anne Boleyn Week 2024! It’s the turn of George Boleyn, Lord Rochford, Queen Anne Boleyn’s brilliant brother.

Join me as I delve into the life and career of this fascinating courtier, who sadly got caught up in his sister’s fall in 1536…

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One thought on “George Boleyn: Anne Boleyn’s Brilliant Brother – Anne Boleyn Week 2024 – Day 3”
  1. One by one Cromwell begun the annihilation process, the king wanted out of his marriage and divorce was not an option, the queen had to die and in doing so, she had to be made to look as loathsome as possible, so he used her sexuality against her, men found the queen attractive and there was her flirtatious ways her easy going nature, bring in a charge of adultery which was not treason in itself, but enough to end her marriage for she had endangered the succession, but that was not enough in itself she had to look as sexually out of control a nymphomaniac in other words, whom no man could satisfy so George her witty handsome brother was used to bring in the charge of incest, a word as shocking then as it is now, this made her out to look besti*l and contemptuous of godly behaviour, a vile unnatural woman, then bring in the charge of plotting the death of our sovereign lord and thus she was condemned, and so were her so called paramours, Cromwell declared afterwards he had made the whole thing up and Norris and Brereton were both a thorn in Cromwells side so it suited the lawyer to rid himself of them, George being the queens family could not be allowed to live as yes I do believe he would have tried to make trouble for Cromwell had he been released, he was highly intelligent and would not bow down like his father did, better to destroy the whole Boleyn faction, Cromwell seemed to fear the influence of these major courtiers and it is a fact that the closest you got to the king, the more you were at risk of falling, but George was the kings brother in law and a person friend, he seemed to enjoy his company, however, Henry V111 was by now so sick of Anne he just wanted her gone, and as we have seen, no one was expendable to him, these men were now prisoners along with the queen, and they must have thought they were in a living nightmare, we can see how swift their fall was, how did it feel to these poor souls? One minute free men, the next- prisoners condemned to die, theur names tarnished irrevocably.

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