Illustrated Kings and Queens of England Out Now!

Illustrated Kings and Queens of EnglandIt’s an exciting day for me today because my latest book, Illustrated Kings and Queens of England, has just been released on Kindle. For those of you who don’t like ebooks, it is also being released as a hardback coffee-table style book and should be out in the next couple of weeks – watch this space!

What I enjoyed about writing this book was that it was a joint project with my husband Tim and daughter Verity. While I concentrated on the research and writing, they lovingly restored Victorian engravings of the monarchs, colourising them and bringing them to life for a new audience. I was so happy with the results.

Here are all the details…

With stunning colour illustrations of the 59 English kings and queens from Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II, Illustrated Kings and Queens of England is packed with interesting facts about the wonderful English monarchy.

This coffee-table book shows the fascinating progression of English history. Every monarch has a biography plus details of their birth and death dates, the dates they ruled and details of their offspring.

Each monarch is accompanied by a vintage Victorian etching, lovingly restored to perfect condition and vividly colourized. These images bring each monarch to life. Anyone with a love of British history will adore this keepsake book.

See English history as you’ve never seen it before.

File Size: 68832 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: MadeGlobal Publishing (November 23, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Available from Available from, Amazon UK and Amazon’s international kindle stores. It’s also available on Kindle Unlimited. Hardback coming soon.

Here’s the image of Henry VIII, isn’t he handsome?


Note to Tudor Society members – You get a digital version of this book as part of your membership package, so see today’s post for details on how to get hold of your copy.

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