Introducing Speaker No.2 Claire Ridgway!

I want to take you behind the scenes of the Anne Boleyn, the Woman who changed England conference and introduce you to the wonderful experts we have speaking at this event. They’re all people I trust implicitly to give you accurate history that’s meticulously researched, and presented in an engaging way so that you can enjoy deepening your knowledge of Tudor history, and Anne Boleyn in particular.

Today, I’m introducing myself! But some of you may not not know me very well, so do excuse me. I am one of the speakers!

I am doing three talks at the online conference “Anne Boleyn, the Woman who changed England” (28 Feb to 6 March) with 7 other Boleyn experts between 28th February and 6 March 2022, and I’ll also be answering ticket holders’ questions in live Q&A sessions on each topic.

This event is all about bringing the real Anne Boleyn to life for you, by looking at what made her who she was, the influences of her early life and upbringing.

I’m so excited about helping you to understand Anne, why she was so different, why someone who didn’t fit the ideals of beauty of the day caught the attention of Henry Percy. Thomas Wyatt and King Henry VIII, and why she still fascinates us today. I truly believe you will come away from this event with new insights.

Get your ticket now at to enjoy a bonus livestreamed masterclass in January with me on “Who killed Anne Boleyn?”

My first talk goes live on the event website on 1st March, and I will be exploring Anne Boleyn’s family tree, challenging the myth that she was from a merchant class of social climbers, and explaining to you about the background of the Boleyns and Howards.

My second talk on 5th March is on Anne Boleyn’s return to England in late 1521. I’ll explain just why Anne Boleyn was recalled from France in late 1521, what we know about her debut at the English court, and the lavish Shrovetide pageant in which she participated, and her new role serving Queen Catherine of Aragon.

In my third talk on the final day of the event, I look at how Anne, who was originally destined for a life in Ireland as the wife of James Butler, embarked on an ill-fated romance with a courtier and heir to an earldom. Then, how she caught the eyes of both a famous Tudor poet and diplomat and the King of England, and what happened.

Bonus: I’m also holding a special masterclass which will be livestreamed at two different times on 15th January 2022 – at 10am London / 5am New York, and 11pm London / 6pm New York. The topic is “Who killed Anne Boleyn?”. Obviously an expert swordsman did the actual deed, but I will be taking you through the many factors that led to Anne Boleyn’s dramatic and tragic fall in 1536 and the cast of people involved, so you can make your own decision about who/what was ultimately responsible for Queen Anne Boleyn’s death.

The masterclass is for those who purchase tickets before 31 December 2021 and it will be livestreamed in a private Facebook group. You can also get your burning questions about Anne Boleyn’s fall and execution answered as I will end each livestream with a Q&A session.

Get your ticket now at to enjoy a bonus masterclass in January with me on “Who killed Anne Boleyn?”

And for those of you who don’t know me, here’s my bio:

Historian Claire Ridgway is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and the best-selling author of 12 history books, including “The Boleyns of Hever Castle” (co-written with Dr Owen Emmerson), “The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown”, “George Boleyn: Tudor Poet, Courtier and Diplomat” (co-written with Clare Cherry, “The Anne Boleyn Collection” and its two sequels, and “On This Day in Tudor History”.

Claire is also the founder of The Anne Boleyn Files and Elizabeth Files blogs, The Tudor Society membership society, and the popular Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube Channel. She contributed to the recent BBC docudrama “The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family”, has written for BBC History Extra and All About History Magazine, and been featured on a number of podcasts internationally.

Claire is a recognised expert on Anne Boleyn and loves sharing her research with Tudor history lovers worldwide.

If you have an questions about the conference and tickets, you can read my post on the questions I had received – click here – or feel free to contact me at

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