According to a Daily Mail report published today, a letter from Queen Jane Seymour to Henry VIII has been found “carefully preserved on a shelf in the picture store room at Dunham Massey estate in Altrincham, Greater Manchester”. In this letter, Jane informs the King that she has given birth to his longed-for son, Edward VI:-

“Trusty and welbiloved we grete you well. And forasmuche as by the inestimable goodnes and grace of Almighty god we be delivred and brought in child Bed of a Prince conceyved in moost Lawfull Matrimonie betwebe my lord the Kinges Majestye and us.”

It was found with another letter, one written by Henry VIII to George Booth Esq (grandfather of Sir George Booth, the man responsible for the first house to be built at Dunham in 1600) as a “‘call to arms’, asking him to raise troops from his tenants to fight as the King was trying to get together an army for his war to Scotland.” In the letter, the King writes:-

“Trustie and welbiloved we grete you well Lating you wit that forasmuche as by the manifold injuries wronges and displeasoures doon unto us our Realme and subiectes by the Scottes, We have been enforced latelie to enter into open warre and hostilitie with the same.”

You can see photos of these letters and read more about them in the Daily Mail report at

Both letters are to be put on display at Dunham Massey as part of an exhibition on the relationship between the property and the monarchy to tie in with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Information on visiting the house can be found on the National Trust website –

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