The Marriage of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York by Amy Licence, and Giveaway

elizabeth-of-york-190x300Today we welcome author and historian Amy Licence to The Anne Boleyn Files as part of her virtual book tour. Amy has kindly shared an extract from her book Elizabeth of York: The Forgotten Tudor Queen (taken from the chapter ‘A Royal Wedding, 1485-1486’)…

Predictably, early Tudor chroniclers were full of blessings for the match. The fourth Croyland continuer wrote that the marriage, ‘which from the first had been hoped for’, was lauded for the sake of Elizabeth’s title as well as her virtues: ‘in whose person it appeared that every requisite might be supplied, which was wanting to make good the title of king himself’. He cites a poem included by the previous Croyland writer that ‘since God had now united them and made but one of these two factions, let us be content’. Other writers celebrated that ‘harmony was thought to discend out of hevene into England’ from this ‘long desired’ match. Shakespeare presents them as the ‘true succeeders of each royal house, by God’s fair ordinance conjoin together’. Their heirs would bring ‘smooth-fac’d peace, with smiling plenty and prosperous days’. Hall claimed the match ‘rejoiced and comforted the hartes of the noble and gentlemen of the realme’ and ‘gained the favour and good minds of all the common people’. On 10 December, the Speaker of the Houses of Parliament stated that Henry wished to take Elizabeth as his wife ‘from whence, through the grace of God, it is hoped by many the continuation of offspring by a race of kings, as consolation to the entire nation’. Henry also sought to obtain a second papal dispensation for the match, as the pair were related within the fourth degree: he already had one dating to March 1484 and could not allow any possibility of the marriage being invalid. This involved religious and legal specialists giving depositions about their respective lineages before witnesses, which was confirmed by the current papal legate to England, James, Bishop of Imola. He was successful on 16 January. Two days later, Elizabeth and Henry were married.

No actual descriptions of the wedding survive. The ceremony was conducted by Archbishop Bourchier, who placed the gold ring on Elizabeth’s finger and heard the couple repeat their vows. Certainly there would have been much pomp and ceremony, which, as the astute Henry Tudor had swiftly grasped, was the key to impressing his majesty upon witnesses. In a similar style to his Coronation, the abbey would have been decked out in the exclusive colours and fabrics of royalty: purple and gold, silk, ermine and delicate cloths of tissue. Elizabeth would have been splendidly dressed and adorned with jewels, lace, brocade and ribbons; the choice of white for wedding dresses was not yet an established tradition so she may have worn one of the rich purple, blue or tawny gowns that appear among her wardrobe records that year. The portraits in which she was depicted can give an idea of the magnificence of her dress, as these would also be opportunities to display wealth and status. An anonymous work in the early Tudor style shows her dressed in ermine cuffs, with embroidered borders studded with pearls and heavy, symbolic jewellery. It is clear from Henry’s later accounts that in spite of his historical reputation as a miser, he did not stint when buying jewels and adornments for his family: it has been estimated that between 1492 and 1507, more than £10,000 was spent from the royal budget on such symbols. As the couple repeated their vows, lit by burning tapers, they stood before a host of the decimated English nobility, summoned by Henry in order to witness the union which, hopefully, would bring peace. Elizabeth’s private feelings on this occasion must have encompassed pride and relief as well as a degree of uncertainty. Although it was a moment of intense personal triumph, she had witnessed her mother’s own tumultuous journey as queen and understood that the ceremony brought no guarantees. She was about to experience an irrevocable change in status, not merely as queen but as a woman becoming a wife. It must have been a bitter-sweet moment, aware as she was that her triumph had come about as a result of her family’s losses and suffering. But this moment was symptomatic of her life to date. Only recently, she had been enclosed within the restricted walls of Westminster sanctuary; here she was now in its abbey, becoming the wife of the king. Through the course of the extravagant feast that followed in Westminster Hall, she must have been aware of the approach of that symbolic event; the public ritual of the bedchamber.

Henry and Elizabeth’s wedding night was probably spent in Westminster’s painted chamber, the palace’s most luxurious apartment, containing bed, fireplace and chapel, richly decorated as its name suggests. It was habitually Henry’s chamber, dominated by a four-poster bed that required preparation by ten attendants who would search the straw mattress with daggers to discover any potential dangers, before the ritual laying down of sheets, blankets and coverlets. Accounts paid to Elizabeth’s bedmakers in 1502 give an indication of the kind of luxury available to the king and his new wife. In October, London mercer Thomas Goodriche received payment for the delivery of 60 yards of blue velvet for the queen’s use. The following month, John Warreyne was paid for the ‘making of a trussing bedde seler testere and counterpoint of crymsyn velvet and blew paned’. The bed also had a matching curtain of ‘dammaske crymsym’ with blue panels, sewn with red thread and hung on green rings. He also supplied linen cloth and fine white thread for sheets and curtain linings with a white fringe. As they prepared for their first official night together, the couple were still enacting a vital part of the wedding ceremony. In 1501, Elizabeth would help organise the wedding of her eldest son, Prince Arthur, and Catherine of Aragon, which may have been shaped in part by her own experiences. It was usual for the royal bride to be escorted to her chamber by her ladies, undressed and put to bed. Such rituals took place in many towns and villages, in all walks of life, as the culmination of a day’s celebrations. The partially undressed bridegroom followed, accompanied by his gentlemen and musicians, who would mark the occasion with bawdy jokes and ‘rough music’ or charivari. For a king and his wife though, the event would be less raucous and more religious: priests and bishops would pronounce their blessings and sprinkle the bed with holy water before wine and spices were served. Sometimes, before they left, onlookers required the naked legs of a couple to touch or to witness a kiss in order to leave satisfied, as in the case of Princess Mary Rose, whose marriage to Louis XII of France in 1514 was considered consummated when her bare leg touched that of his proxy. One such scene occurs Marie de France’s twelfth-century Lais le Fresne when the heroine prepares the marital bedchamber by adorning it with the distinctive brocade that leads to her discovery. Similarly, Henry and Elizabeth’s chamber may have been decorated with suitable silks, ribbons and hangings. Finally though, the newlyweds were left alone. The consummation of a marriage was a vital stage of its validity; without it, all the church’s ceremonial and ritual could be dissolved and the legitimacy of subsequent heirs and inheritance drawn into question. Even among people of lesser rank, unions could be broken through non-consummation; Edward IV’s mistress, Jane Shore, gained her freedom in this way, while for Elizabeth’s future daughter-in-law, events of her wedding night would later contribute to her undoing. However, history was to prove that the wedding of January 1486 was successfully consummated, if it had not already been so.

You can read my review of Elizabeth of York over on our book reviews site – click here.


Giveaway now closed.
Amberley Publishing have kindly offered one copy of Elizabeth of York to one lucky Anne Boleyn Files follower. All you have to do is comment below saying why you’d like to read this book. Your comment must be left by midnight (GMT) on 11th May. A winner will be chosen at random on 12th May 2014 and announced here and on our Facebook page. The giveaway is worldwide.

Here are the rest of the stops on Amy’s tour (and more chances to win a book!):

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170 thoughts on “The Marriage of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York by Amy Licence, and Giveaway”
  1. I would love to read this as Elizabeth of York is seemingly forgotten by many historians, so it would be very intresting to explore the truth about her life: daughter to a king and wife to a king.

  2. At last an author unknown to me that has written more than one book on my beloved Tudor Times! Can’t wait to start my collection!!

  3. I would love to read this book about Elizabeth of York as she is the forgotten Tudor Queen. As well as a wife to a King she was, in her life time, the daughter, sister and niece of Kings and lived through the Wars of the Roses. An amazing woman who forged a dynasty, but forgotten by history.

  4. Hi, thank you for the opportunity. I would very much like to read this book because I love Tudor History, and this book is not likely to be found in my country, like most Tudor books.

    Have a great day.

  5. I have read most everything I could get my hands on concerning the Tudor line. My daughter and I discuss at length events of this time. I would be excited to win this book and continue my learning. Thank You.

  6. I find it quite fascinating that she was The Daughter of a King, Sister to boy who Should been King, Niece to a King, Wife of a king and mother and grandmother of two kings(even if it wasn’t in her life time) that’s a lot of King’s lol
    But for the reason Alone that she was Henry VIII mother is why I would love to read this book

  7. This is a sorely needed biography and I can’t wait to read it! I believe it will reveal more about the woman Elizabeth of York was – we have the bare facts of her life, but so little on the woman herself: her full personality, not like the flat, 2-dimensional character found on playing cards. I’m eager to read the author’s interpretation of Elizabeth and her life.

  8. Agggghhhh I NEED more history books! Elizabeth of York was such an amazing woman. I would LOVE to read this!

  9. I would love to read this book. I love reading anything I can about the Tudor lines. There are so many about Henry VIII, Anne Bolyn etc.,really all his wives get more attention than his mother.
    I think it is fascinating that she was daughter,niece, mother and grandmother of kings, meaning so many lines ran through her, yet so little in depth information is out there for non-scolars.

    1. Don’t forget, Elizabeth was also grandmother of two Queens Mary and Elizabeth, as well as ancestor of the Stewart (Stuart and Hanover lines)

  10. Elizabeth is a fascinating character. When you think you have the measure of her, you read something else that makes you think again. This book would be a very worthy addition to my book collection!

  11. I would love to win this as it’s currently on my bday list but could free the space for another much wanted book! Elizabeth of York has always been overlooked. If I consider any woman as influential in Henry VII’s reign it would be his mother. I am looking forward to learning more about his queen.

  12. I am an avid reader of all things history, and especially Tudor history. Would so love to learn more of this remarkable woman. Thank you.

  13. I would love to find out more about this fascinating woman – who started life as a princess was pronounced a bastard then became Queen. She must have been a very strong person and a real survivor!

  14. I love British History. I’m Canadian and England’s history is so interesting. I have recently watched The White Queen, loved it, and wanted to know more about what happened after Henry VI married Elizabeth of York. I would love to read this book. It will fill in my knowledge of history between Edward IV and Henry VIII. Returning to London again this summer, to indulge in such a rich historical city.
    Love this site, thanks for all your hard work. I look forward to your posts everyday.

  15. 40 years ago at grammar school i had an obsession with researching english history niw after working and bringing up a family that obsession is back! im particularly interested in this era and read everything i can lay my hands on or see on fb as i cant aeem to find a course to study anywhere that only concentrates on english mediaeval history through to the edwardians. this book sounds right up my street!

  16. I have always been fascinated by this time period and would love to have this book to learn more about the amazing historical persons.

  17. I would to read this book. I’ve read about Henry VII before, but not as much about his wife. Would love to win this book.

  18. I, too, would love this book! I would so love to learn more about this woman as I am related to her sister through my grandmother. I would love to learn all about her!

  19. The most interesting and most forgotten fact about Elizabeth is, that she is the last York sovereign. A fact which seems to be forgotten once she becomes Henry VII´s wife and a Tudor by Name. Any “fan” of the Yorkist cause loves to add her to the list which starts with Henry IV.
    The entanglement of the 2 factions during the whole period of the war of the roses with its final outcome 1485 laid the basis for todays existing monarchy. A “simple” marriage started 3 generations of sovereigns which would change the country to such an extent, that maybe only Victoria was able to second during the industrial revolution.
    History remembers Henry VIII and Elizabeth I (named after her grandmother – not to be forgotten either) foremost, but Elizabeth of York and Henry VII founded the family…. one of the most important historic feats…

    A must read book i am realing looking forward too.

  20. I’d love to read this book as we hear so little about Elizabeth of York though I gather she was a popular queen. I’ve often felt I’d like to know more about her and about her marriage. Henry VII too somethimes seems to be overshadowed by his (in)famous son.

  21. I am a huge fan of the Tudors, but more so of the story of the Yorks and what happened during the War if the Roses. I read everything I can about them as it is very interesting. Also Elizabeth of York is a relative through her father’s line, so it makes it even more interesting.

  22. I would love to read this book. I am fascinated with how women in these years were suppose to be meek and mild but they found ways to use their intelligence!

  23. I would LOVE to read this book! Elizabeth of York was mother to a dynasty and should never be forgotten!

  24. I’ve been working on a two-novel series about Bosworth, Henry VII, and Elizabeth of York so I’d love to gain another resource. Would love to read it!

  25. I’d love to read this book because I haven’t read too much about Henry VII or Elizabeth of York, even though I’ve read anything I can find about the later Tudors – especially Henry VIII and his wives. Elizabeth of York was the mother of the Tudor dynasty, and has been ignored for too long!

  26. I would love to read this book because Elizabeth of York interests me. U want to learn more about this woman as there is not many accurate things about her in books. It is mostly all about her famous parents, brothers, mother-in-law, husband, son, and grandchildren. I want to find out who she really was besides the Yorkist who became queen and a famous relative.

  27. I have always been fascinated by strong women who withstood the pressure of their time and held their heads up high <3

  28. Woohoo! Thanks for the opportunity to win the book. I added it to my to-read list a while ago. I want to read it because I know so little about Elizabeth and her story.

  29. I would love to read this book since I’m very interested in Elizabeth Woodville and Henry VIII, but I somehow have “forgotten” Elizabeth of York who was “between” them. I don’t know so much about her, but I would like to know more.

  30. Sounds like a fabulous book and I would very much like to read it. Great article as well and thank you for sharing it with us!

  31. I’d love to read this because I only recently started reading more about Elizabeth of York and would love to dig into much more! Additionally I’d love to read a biography that treats her as a fully realized person rather than a political pawn, as she is too often defined by her role as daughter, wife, niece, and/or mother and not enough defined on her own terms.

  32. It would be fascinating to delve into the life and times of a woman who has been set aside as just a pawn to help end the Cousins War. I believe she was more than a tool used by two very strong willed women , her mother and her mother -in-law, both of which helped shape Britain’s history by their maneuvers and alliances. It would be delightful to read of her own accomplishments and to finally take center stage as a remarkable woman and Queen

  33. I have been so fascinated with Elizabeth – what a difficult road she had in bridging the world between two families! I’ve been looking for a good book about her – would love to read this one! Thanks!

  34. I have been so fascinated with Elizabeth – what a difficult road she had in bridging the world between two families! I’ve been looking for a good book about her – would love to read this one! Thanks!

  35. As a part of my life long pursuit of history between 1000-1600 I believe this book would add to my knowledge base. Therefore I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity!

  36. I have started my collection on Tudor History and have not yet included this absolutely fascinating woman. Would love to know everything about her. From what I do know and have read about her she is one of the strongest and most determined woman in her time and since her time.

  37. I am an American by birth, but my roots are in England. I have long been fascinated by British history. Like so many others, I began by reading all I could about Henry VIII and his wives, and of course, Elizabeth I. I finally became interested by their heritage. I have read many books about the Tudors and the medieval kings and queens who preceded them to the throne of England. I would love to win this book about Elizabeth of York.

  38. I have always been interested in Elizabeth of York, the daughter and niece of a king and a survivor of the War of the Roses. I am sure it will be a fascinating read.

  39. My roots are British and I have always had a fascination of British History and am especially keen on the Tudors and the Victorian eras. I have several books but this one on Elizabeth looks like it would be a wonderful addition and a great read !

  40. I would Iove to learn more information on Henry VIII’s mom. I know there aren’t a lot of books out there about her. From what I have read and documentaries I have seen, she is really fascinating. She wasn’t outspoken like Anne Boleyn, but I wished she could have lived to see some of her son’s reign. She could’ve given Henry some council since he adored her so.

  41. I would love to read this book and I will:-) The entire read just draws you in and call me crazy.. but it had me seeing the vibrant colours and smells. Oh to be a fly on the wall during Tudor times. Absolutely fascinating people…

  42. I love British history of all time but my favorite is Tudor history. Why wouldn’t I want to read this book about the mother that started it all?! I haven’t read that much about Elizabeth of York but I would love to read more!

  43. I would like to read this book as I do not believe that there is enough literature available on the queen who united factions and forged a dynasty. She is a fascinating subject and I am sure whoever wins will be happy to learn more about her and her life.

  44. I am in awe of English history and the majesty of all that it en-tales. I thrive with everything I can get my hands on that is related to the wonderful history of England. Being from the US our history doesn’t come close in comparison. Bravo on this publication and I look forward to reading it from cover to cover with great anticipation.

  45. I would love to read this book!!! I am obsessed w/ALL Tudor history. I walk a few miles every day listening to David Starkey & then go home to read Alison Weir all night long!! I type this looking at my Tudor History calendar that I bought myself for Christmas!!

  46. I have always loved the Tudor era and am fascinated by those who lived during those times. I have a surgery scheduled for later this month, which will unfortunately have a rather long recovery time, and I would love to have something to read during my recuperation.

  47. Would love to read this!!! I’m currently working on a masters degree on a study of this time period and I read anything and everything I can get my hands on and love every moment of it.

  48. I would love to read this book, because Elizabeth had a really interesting and fascinating life and I’d like to learn more about it!

  49. Why have I not heard much about Elisabeth before?
    It seems as if everyone focuses on Henry VIII since he changed England. It would be wonderful to read of the background prior to his reign.

  50. A daughter of a king, a wife of a king, a mother of a king. Not to mention grandmother/greatgrandmother to a King and Queens, a lot of history sprang from what has seemed to be an quiet unassuming great to find out more about her.

  51. Not being British by birth, I have recently been introduced to the complex and often tawdry history of Britains Kings and Queens through various television programs. Reading of the life of a Queen whose grave I have visited at Westminster Abbey would be the leap from my imagination to the actual recorded facts surrounding the birth of the Tutor dynasty.

  52. This is definitely a must Read for anyone who Loves this Time Period as much as all of us here do…. Would so love to win this book… So excited about this chance to win this Lovely book! Charisse Lewis

  53. I recently read Amy Licence’s book In Bed with Tudors and it introduced me to the relationship between Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. I had never really read about anything about them and it ignited my interest in exploring their marriage. I want to read this book in order to more fully understand the union of the two houses and the dynamics of an undoubtedly complicated relationship. I would also be interested in reading what she has to say about Elizabeth’s relationship with Richard III, a topic that has been sensationalized by historical fiction authors.

  54. I love Tudor history. I am in school right how with the hopes of being a museum curator when I am finished. I do not know enough of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. I have a deep desire to learn more because I find the whole family and time period fascinating!!! Thank you for the chance to do so!!! 🙂

  55. I would LOVE to read this book! I can’t get my hands on enough Tudor-thrilling pages!

  56. I would love to read this book over my summer of reading, ready to start my first year at the University of Cambridge studying history!

  57. I have been a Tudor fan ever since I read books by Norah Lofts. It is a very fascinating and volatile part of English history and so very exciting!! Thank you for the giveaway!

  58. I would love to read this book because I love to learn about English history and lineage. I do not have/know much about my own family history, so this would make up in its stead!

  59. I would love to read this book because I am currently conducting my own research regarding ancient English monarchy, and my current focus is on the Tudor family. I am fascinated by Elizabeth of York, and I want to learn all I can about her life. I would be very grateful to receive a copy!

  60. I would love to read this book because I am absolutely fascinated with Anne Boleyn. No matter how many times I read her story, I am entranced each time by her story. As an aspiring historian I want to read as much as I can on Anne, in the hopes that one day I will write about her also-whether it be non-fiction or fiction. In many ways I feel like Anne is my spirit animal and she amazes me in so many ways.

  61. Greetings!

    I am currently reading Sandra Worth’s “The King’s Daughter”, about Elizabeth of York . Certainly, she is one of the most fascinating royal women of her time because less is known about her. Amazing that a daughter of a much-hated queen (Elizabeth Woodville) became one of the most loved by the people. I’ve read nothing unseemly about her except that she and her siblings were indulged and pampered, as you would expect children of royalty to be. Even with that, she also endured some less than pampered times when she was in sanctuary with her mother. And lest we forget, the missing princes in the tower were her brothers. She endured alot that shaped her character before she was ever queen. She seemed to have accepted that her marriage to Henry Tudor would unite the country and end the Wars of the Roses, and performed her queenly duty with all dignity and grace.

    I’ve never read a Tudor book I didn’t like and would be over the moon to be able to add your new book to my growing library. Thank you for the above article/excerpt and thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your work!

  62. I would absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to read this book!!! Been a fan of all things historical since I was a little girl. Love the website also. Thanks for the read! 🙂

  63. I’d leave to read more going further back in history than the time of Henry VIII and his wives. That is my favorite though! But I’d still love to read this book!

  64. I’d love to know more about the life of Elizabeth of York — such an unknown yet important figure in history!

  65. I was a freshman in HS, taking Honors World History (1989). My assignment was to write a report on any subject in our history book. I combed thru my book several times before randomly choosing King Henry VIII. Since that day, my passion for the English Monarchy flourished. I have been reading and studying King Henry’s reign, while also following his children’s reign. I can’t wait to expand my knowledge and passion walking backwards thru time to see where, why and how the Tudor Dynasty was born. ♥

  66. I am a Welshman and holiday each year near Pembroke and try and find out via the bookshop at the castle and the local library and the records office at Haverfordwest Castle any new books, theories etc. on the Tudors.

    I live in Somerset where a friend of mine is from Pembroke and has a great knowledge of the Tudors (especially Henry VII) through people he was at University with and now are experts in their own right. He lectures on various aspects of British history to what in the UK is known as the U3A. He lectures, the group discuss. Much has been made of Henry’s marriage to Elizabeth and many discussions have been carried out for the reason of Henry’s choice of bride. It would be interesting to read the book to hear Amy’s take on this.

  67. Elizabeth of York is such an intriguing person in the Tudor legacy, yet little is said about her role in mothering the famous Henry VIII and his sisters. I would love to win this copy to find out more of her story!

  68. I would love to read it as she is not very well known in history and it is always fun to learn more about interesting women in history.

  69. The question is, why WOULDN’T I want to read it? I have been anxious on Licence’s book but my library doesn’t carry them and my unemployment doesn’t allow me to buy books at this time. I love Elizabeth of York and there aren’t that many books on her (and the ones focusing on her aren’t particularly great). That is just a couple reasons why I want to read this.

  70. The question is, why WOULDN’T I want to read it? I have been anxious on Licence’s book but my library doesn’t carry them and my unemployment doesn’t allow me to buy books at this time. I love Elizabeth of York and there aren’t that many books on her (and the ones focusing on her aren’t particularly great). That is just a couple reasons why I want to read this.

  71. I would love to read this book to learn more about the Tudor dynasty. I have started reading about it last year and have found that I am truly fascinated by the history of this time period. Thank you for the opportunity!

  72. My Major in college was History.
    I fell in love with the Tudors. Unfortunately, we learned more about the founder of the Dynasty and not so much about the woman who bore his children.
    I would love to have this book to learn more about Elizabeth of York.

  73. Always had an affinity for Anne Boleyn!! Perhaps it is because, just this year while doing work on my genealogy I discovered that Anne is a very distant cousin through her and my ancestors, William Marshall the 1st Earl of Pembroke( 1146-1219) and his wife Isabelle de Clare.

    Now I read everything I can about her life. Of course I want to know all about the Yorks and the Tudors too . So your book would be a great addition to my library!!

  74. I would love to learn more about Elizabeth of York. Her father died young, her brothers disappeared, she was a pawn in dynastic ambitions, yet she loved her husband and provided the much needed heirs to the throne. I often wonder if she had lived longer whether her influence would have made Henry VIII a different type of king.

  75. This book sounds amazing! Whether I’m lucky enough to win a copy or not, I shall be reading it! Elizabeth of York is such an intriguing character!

  76. I would love to read Elizabeth of York especially because she is the mother of the Tudors and many people do forget about her and how she got to where she was to become queen. She is a very interesting character which i would love to find out more about her.

  77. I am a member of Amy’s FB page, Edward IV, Yorkist King Extraordinaire, and have read and enjoyed her biography of Anne Neville. Amy’s research is meticulous and her writing very accessible. That is why I would love to read her book about Elizabeth as well.

  78. I would love to read this book about the mother of Henry VIII. She was appparentlly an incredible woman in incredible times as well as mother of Henry and Arthur, she was also a cousin, sister, and daughter of kings. I read everything I can get my hands on regarding Henry VIII and his times. This would be a great addition to my education. Hopefullly intriguing and stimulating.

  79. I have to read this book!!! To find out where it all began it is the start of the magic!. To learn more and understand more the experiences of one women who was the Daughter, Sister, Niece, Mother and Grandmother as well as queen. Elizabeth was uniquely familiar with each possible female aspect of royal life. Both Plantagenet, and Tudor she founded a dynasty that would captivate millions of people for generations and years to come. Yet so neglected when she played such an intricate role.

  80. I would love to read more about this Queen as she seems to be the one the least has been written about yet she is Henry viii mother

  81. Want to read more! The Tudor period is my favorite period in history. I do not know much about Elizabeth of York and would like to learn more!

  82. Hello,

    I kind of skimmed over comments, but one comment in particular concerned stood out. I always thought that Margaret Beaufort was the mother of king Henry VII of England, and that Elizabeth of York daughter of king Edward IV, became mother of Henry VIII, having married Henry VII. Her mother, also an Elizabeth (Woodville) married Edward IV. There is an early comment putting Elizabeth of York, as Henry VII’s mother. I am no historian, but recently have been reading about the Plantagenet dynasty, which ends with the Lancaster and York wars, and eventually Tudor dynasty beginning.

  83. I am so glad to discover so many new books and authors! History is a deep passion of mine and the period 11-16 century has always intrigued me the most. There is so much written and said about the Tudor period, still it continues to captivate minds and still there is a lot to discover. To which I believe this book will greatly contribute. Life was not easy for women back then and the figures of most of them from that period are quite obscured, but today there is a wave of interest, I believe, and focusing on them as well will surely give us a broader, much more detailed picture of what was happening – how the times shaped the people and how the people shaped the times.

  84. Love the Tudors and dear Elizabeth of York is so often overlooked, would love to read some more about her.

  85. I have been interested in the Tudor Dynasty since 1972. Elizabeth of York is one of the members of this dynasty that I don’t know all that much about, and I would love to be able to learn more about her by reading this book.

  86. I’d love to read this book and learn more about Elizabeth of York! The Tudor Dynasty is so fascinating!

  87. Most books give little detail about the marriage of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. They make it seem as if Henry just quietly and hurriedly eloped with her. From reading the excerpt, it seems there is much more to this queen, than has been previously written about. Thank you for the giveaway.

  88. Every history book gives another take, another look at a person or event. I want to read as much as I can to understand these people the best I can. I would love to read this book. Elizabeth of York was a fascinating woman with a story that needs to be told.

  89. I’ve always been interested in Elizabeth of York and I welcome any chance to learn more about her!

  90. Always a fan, would love to add to my Tudor library! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  91. I would really love to win this book. Elizabeth of York is one of my fave Queens of that time, and there are not many books to find on her in my area.

  92. The last White Rose to sit the throne of England! No matter Henry Tudor’s timing of events and spin doctoring, he could not have kept the throne without Elizabeth of York by his side. His son Henry VIII could not have had as smooth a succession without both his mother and his father’s heritage.

    So much of England’s history (and later all of Britain’s history) turn on the existence of this one woman, and yet we know relatively little about her. Much like Katherine Swynford, what happened in her life echoes down the ages and we have so little direct information about her as a person. Whatever knowledge the author could find, I WANT TO KNOW IT.

    Elizabeth of York is often overshadowed by the other strong women of her time; yet these very women must have affected who she became, given her their strengths (and possibly their weaknesses). Elizabeth Wydvill, Jacquetta of Luxembourg, Cecily of York – how could their daughter and granddaughter who might have been Queen of France and did become Queen of England NOT be a strong and interesting person?

    And who came after her that her legacy influenced? In the next hundred years, how much did Elizabeth of York’s decisions influence her granddaughter Elizabeth I? Or her great-granddaughter Mary Queen of Scots? For that matter, her daughters Margaret and Mary, who defied kings and courts to reach across seemingly impossible distances to obtain their desires?

    And how often did her son choose a wife looking for the ideal embodied by the mother he lost too young?

    I want to know all of these things, about Elizabeth herself, about those around her, who influenced her and who she influenced. And if this book can attempt to answer even part of my questions, it will be well worth reading.

  93. I woul d love to read this book! There’s simply not enough written about times before Henry VIII, this book will be treasured, indeed!

  94. Oh I would dearly love to read this book! Elizabeth of York is such an interesting person, and I know way too little about her. Hope to win!
    Best wishes,

  95. I would love to read the history of this Elizabeth. I have read many accounts of her, but I don’t think it has ever been focused on her. I am very excited about this book.

  96. I would love to read this book because I’ve always wondered about the conflict Elizabeth of York must have felt, caught between her family and her husband, so recently an enemy, and yet whom she came to love. And how did she feel about the pretender Perkin Warbeck? Did she ever think he may have been her brother? So many divided loyalties, yet she had a reputation for great sweetness.

  97. I would love to read this book! I am very intrigued with British history, especially the monarchy
    Thank you

  98. I would love to read this book. I don’t know a lot about Elizabeth, but I think she was a big influence on her son, Henry VIII.

  99. I would love to read this book! I have always been fascinated by the Yorks and the Lanscasters and the Tudors. Thanks!

  100. would love to have especially since I am such an avid reader but also I love reading about history would love to read about the king before henry and anne came to be as I am reading all about anne and also retracing her footsteps

  101. I would very much enjoy reading about H7 and Queen Elizabeth. It seems H7 has been rather ignored by many historians.

  102. Very interesting!! Would enjoy reading more about Elizabeth of York. Thx for the chance

  103. I want to read this book because I think that Elizabeth of York is a fascinating woman in her own right. She had a tumultuous life, having been in sanctuary, losing her father, then her brothers, and going to the court of the man who may have killed her brothers (which I don’t believe) and then marrying the man who took his place. I am also fascinated by the effect she had on her son Henry VIII, who it seems to me was looking for a woman like her with his many marriages.
    Not much is known about her and I hope this book will answer some questions I have.

  104. I have read tons on Henry VIII, his wives, Mary Queen of Scots, Bloody Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King Louie XII. etc. I have never read about any Tudor history before King Henry VIII. I would love to read this. I think I must have been a subject in a royal household in another life, perhaps a lady-in-waiting?

  105. I would love the opportunity to read this book. I have always been fascinated by the Tudors but have not read as much about Elizabeth of York. What a thrill it would be to win this book. Thank you for the opportunity!

  106. I would love to have this book. I’ve studied about the Wars of the Roses and the Tudor Dynasty for many years. Most of the time, Elizabeth of York’s genealogy/pedigree is mentioned, but there aren’t a lot of details about her. I would love to read more about her life and any other information about Elizabeth of York.

  107. I’ve been intrigued by Elizabeth of York ever since reading The White Queen and The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory. I would love to read more about her actual history, as she is the mother of Henry VIII and the grandmother of Elizabeth I. Thanks for the giveaway!

  108. I would love to win a copy of this book because I cannot get enough of English Medieval history. I am a medieval history geek! Your book looks wonderful; thanks for the opp.

  109. I would love to win a copy of this book because I cannot get enough of English Medieval history. I am a medieval history geek! Your book looks wonderful; thanks for the opp.

  110. I love the Cousin’s War and the Tudors. It would be very interesting to read the book and continue to gain knowledge of the time period.

  111. I would love to read ‘Elizabeth of York’ as I have been fascinated by the history of three women, Jacquetta of Luxembourg (Elizabeth’s maternal grandmother), Elizabeth Woodville and her daughter Elizabeth of York. I first read of them in Philippa
    Gregory’s books ‘The Lady of the Rivers’ and ‘The White Queen’. I’m a history lover and have always been enthralled by the historical details of the lives of kings and queens in those days.

  112. I would love to have this book. Elizabeth of York’s life is fascinating; how she must have suffered all her life wondering you took the lives of her brothers. I imagine she had trust issues for most of her adult life. As the daughter in law of the formidable Margaret Beaufort, she must have found it difficult to even assert herself as Queen at times. In my hopes of learning more through new discoveries, along with Anne Boleyn, Jane Parker, Katherine Howard and Mary, Queen of Scots, I would wish for a secret diary of anyone close to Queen Elizabeth York to learn more of her private life. How amazing it must have been; the daughter, wife and mother of kings.

  113. I would so love to learn more about this woman who saw so much historic upheaval. And despite the odds appears to have had a successful marriage.

  114. I would to win the giveaway because I have always been fascinated with the Tudors especially with Henry vii and his wife Elisabeth of York. I love how the lines of family all tie into each other and where they all started from.

  115. I like Amy’s book and reading about ELIZABETH OF YORK would be delightful. I certainly would have liked to have met this lady. She is a fascinating queen. Thank you Amy for writing about this interesting lady.

  116. I am interested in learning more about Elizabeth’s tumultuous life, and if in fact she was in love with her uncle Richard lll. I noticed that the excerpt refers to her daughter Mary as Mary Rose, which according to what I’ve read is incorrect

  117. I am fascinated by Henry VIII and Anne Bolyen!! Getting to read about his ancestry would just be icing on the cake

  118. I would love to read this book. I want to find out more about Elizabeth of York. Claire thank you so much for this chance to read this book for free.

  119. O but a wish to recieve this free and most facinating novel on and even more facinating woman. Yes! please send me a copy.

  120. I would love to read this book. I am always very interested in this period of English history.

  121. I would love to win a copy of this book. I am an Englophile here in the states and read everything I can get my hands on Tudor related!

  122. As dramaturge, scriptwriter, director, and actor for The Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire in Manheim, PA this book would be invaluable for reference as well as research. After many seasons we are converting from an Elizabethan scenario to an Henry VIII one. Our story for this season is set in 1525. Many of the performers are approaching this coming season (Aug. through Oct.) with much trepidation. A large portion of allaying these fears falls on my shoulders. This work would be a very nice addition to my toolbox.

    Perhaps you could visit us this season?
    Thank you.

    Yours sincerely,

  123. As a Tudorphile, I will definitely be adding this book to my library. It would be so nice to win it this weekend. Thank you, Amy, for shedding light on the life and times of such an interesting character from history. I will be visiting Scotland, Wales and England in June, my first trip there, and am adding an extra day so that I can visit Hever Castle. I know there is so much I am going to miss, but am excited about all I am scheduled to see and experience.

    Thank you Claire for all the excellent work you do on Anne and thanks for sharing Amy’s work.

    Linda Crane

  124. I’ve always liked reading history books, especially about monarchy. However, I am absolutely fascinated by the Tudor era. I would love to read that book!

  125. Elizabeth of York has always seemed like such a cipher. We know so much about her parents’ generation, and so much about her children’s. I am intrigued by the thought of any good writings about her and Henry VII’s reign. Thanks for publicizing this work from all of us Anglophiles here in the States!

  126. The life of Elizabeth of York is close to my heart. Queen in her own right. To set a warring kingdom right , she ruled with love instead.
    I’d love a copy!

  127. I would love to read this book because Elizabeth of York is one of the most interesting, yet less written about characters in this period. She was born to be a queen and became one in the most unlikely way! She also witnessed an amazingly turbulent historical era, somanything written about her is fascinating.

  128. I would love to read this book because her life is set between 2 periods very well covered as The Wars of the Roses and the Tudors are…little bit more of information about her would be awesome…

  129. This book looks fascinating. I would really like to learn more about the beginning of the Tudor dynasty.

  130. I am always reading anything to do with my favorite subject … Tudor history. I have my husband and daughter buying or checking out books for me to read.

  131. I read everything Tudor. So little is written on Elizabeth of York, and she was such an important figure , founding a major dynasty, that I look forward to any book about her.

  132. I would love to read a bio of Elizabeth of York, as most of my knowledge comes from books about her father, uncle, husband, and son–or, even worse, historical fiction! I’m always interested in expanding my knowledge of the era, but would prefer a well-written, decently-researched book.

  133. I would love to read more about Elizabeth of York. She is such an interesting figure and mysterious as well due to her silent acceptance of her life’s course. I would love to know what lurks beneath the public face, if it is possible to discover I know Amy Licence can do it.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  134. I have read allot on the periods of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, I would like to learn more about the periods before this!

  135. I love to read all books Tudor. I like to read different authors and get their point of view.

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