New Historical Novel Launched – The Truth of the Line by Melanie V. Taylor

The Truth of the LineI reviewed Melanie V. Taylor’s historical novel The Truth of the Line back in March 2013 and I loved it, describing it as “a thrilling historical novel” and “a magical read”, so I was really excited when Melanie approached Tim (my husband and publisher) and asked if he would be willing to publish a re-edited version of the novel. Melanie has re-worked certain parts and Tim commissioned an artist to give the novel a brand new cover.

The Truth of the Line has just been released as a paperback and Amazon Kindle book. Here is the blurb:

“In 1572, the good looking and talented Nicholas Hillyarde paints the first of many portraits of Elizabeth I, England’s “Virgin Queen”. His ability to capture the likeness of his patrons makes him famous and his skills are much sought after by the rich and powerful members of the Elizabethan Court. His loyalty to Elizabeth even leads him to becoming part of Sir Francis Walsingham’s information network.

One day he is approached by a young man with an intriguing commission. Hillyarde is to paint the man holding a lady’s hand – a hand which descends from a cloud – complete with a puzzling motto: “Attici Amoris Ergo“…

There is something familiar about this young man’s face, and Hillyarde is led down a dark path of investigation to discover who this young man may be.

Who is the young man? Has Hillyarde stumbled across a dark royal secret, and, if so, is there evidence hidden elsewhere?”

Paperback: 366 pages
Publisher: MadeGlobal Publishing/CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 12, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1493711547
ISBN-13: 978-1493711543
Available from, Amazon UK and other Amazon stores. The Kindle version is only $2.99 (£1.99).

Melanie wrote a guest article back in February for The Anne Boleyn Fellowship magazine on Nicholas Hilliard and the Attici Miniature. Melanie has kindly allowed me to share this article with you all, so here are the download links:


You can read my original review of Melanie’s novel at Tudor Book Reviewsclick here.

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