Only 24 hours to go until “The Fall of Anne Boleyn” online event!

My 8-day online event “The Fall of Anne Boleyn with Claire Ridgway” starts tomorrow at 10pm UK/5pm New York!

Tomorrow, I will be explaining the background to the events of spring 1536.

  • How did Anne Boleyn go from being Henry VIII’s true love, wife and queen in 1533 to climbing a scaffold on 19th May 1536 and losing her head to an expert swordsman?
  • What factors had created a perfect storm against her in early 1536?
  • Why did Anne have to die?

I do hope you can join me!

My live-streamed talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

Each live talk will also be recorded and transcribed and added to a private area of this website for those of you who can’t join them all live. I will also be on-hand in the Facebook group and on YouTube to interact with you and answer questions that way.

This event is completely online (via a private Facebook group and private YouTube channel) so you can join in from the comfort of your home. It’s open internationally.

This event is for you if:

  • You want to understand exactly what happened in the spring of 1536
  • You want to understand how Anne went from being the woman Henry VIII broke with his beloved church to possess to being replaced by her maid of honour
  • You want to know who was involved in Anne’s fall, who was implicated and why, and how two men escaped with their lives
  • You’re interested in getting behind the fiction and myths
  • You’d like to know what happened afterwards and what Anne Boleyn’s legacy was
  • You’d like to know if Jane Boleyn really brought down the Boleyns out of hatred and revenge
  • You’d like to pay tribute to Anne Boleyn by spending 8 days immersed in her story and connecting with like-minded people!

Find out more and register now for just $129 ((approximately £105.00, AUD 184.00, €122.70 at time of writing) at

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