Love Letter 2

THOUGH it is not fitting for a
gentleman to take his lady in
the place of a servant, yet, complying
with your desire, I willingly grant it
you, if thereby you can find yourself
less uncomfortable in the place chosen
by yourself, than you have been in
that which I gave you, thanking you
cordially that you are pleased still to
have some remembrance of me. 6, n.
A. I de A. b. na. v. e. z. [or 6.n.A.I de]
Henry R.
Any idea what the letters at the bottom mean?
No, I think it was probably a cipher that Anne would have understood though.
I am obsessed. The code surely must have beed deciphered by someone, as it cannot possibly be that difficult. Given the context of the letter, there should be enough of a reference point, combined with, from what I’ve read, they communicated in either English or French…
I’m gonna plug in the letters on my smart phone and list all the possibilites and just amuse myself with that. No I’m not, I forbid myself to spend that kind of time on such a pursuit! 🙂
The code has never been deciphered.
Had to be something common like a book of that time that she used to decode the cypher or she already had a prearranged key to decode it.interesting
Well, they seem to be arranging to meet somewhere, no? Could the code be a confirmation of place and time or something of that nature? World make sense for something like that to be in code.
This letter is hard for me to decipher can someone help me I’m still at school
Umm good luck it has never been deciphered by anybody. XD
wow…so so lovely…the cipher I feel is about the place and hour at which they secretly meet and the arrangements to avoid detection! For instances “at lake the A near…at 6 pm or thereabouts and let me know otherwise…” Cheers…!
I think that it might be an andorse sipher which is a code made up of either numbers or in this case letters and it usually refers to a book or magazine in that section. Check out the first National Treasure film