Love Letter 5

FOR a present so beautiful that
nothing could be more so (con-
sidering the whole of it), I thank you
most cordially, not only on account
of the fine diamond and the ship in
which the solitary damsel is tossed
about, but chiefly for the fine inter-
pretation and the too humble sub-
mission which your goodness hath
used towards me in this case; for I
think it would be very difficult for
me to find an occasion to deserve it,
if I were not assisted by your great
humanity and favour, which I have
always sought to seek, and will seek
to preserve by all the kindness in my
power, in which my hope has placed
its unchangeable intention, which
says, Aut illic, aut nullibi*.
The demonstrations of your affec-
tion are such, the beautiful mottoes
of the letter so cordially expressed,
that they oblige me for ever to hon-
our, love, and serve you sincerely, be-
seeching you to continue in the same
firm and constant purpose, assuring
you that, on my part, I will surpass
it rather than make it reciprocal, if
loyalty of heart and a desire to please
you can accomplish this.
I beg, also, if at any time before this
I have in anyway offended you, that
you would give me the same abso-
lution that you ask, assuring you, that
henceforward my heart shall be de-
dicated to you alone. I wish my per-
son was so too. God can do it, if He
pleases, to whom I pray every day for
that end, hoping that at length my
prayers will be heard. I wish the time
may be short, but I shall think it
long till we see one another.
Written by the hand of that secre-
tary, who in heart, body, and will, is,
Your loyal and most assured Servant,
H. aultre A.B. ne cherse R
(The A.B at the bottom of the letter was in a heart)
* This means “Either there, or nowhere”.