Poem – Revelations

Part 15 in Esther Hyams’ wonderful series of poems on Anne Boleyn.
The news of Henry and Anne’s marriage was kept secret due to England’s hate
By middle of February 1533, Anne found it irresistible to flaunt her pregnant state.
The Lady Anne came out of her room in what seemed ‘an outrageous fashion’
Speaking to Thomas Wyatt of her craving for apples, and then laughing with passion.
Almost all of the court heard of this, and surprise and shock were reinforced
For the King of England, although remarried, was not yet divorced.
On the 3rd February 1533, to settle the matter in England, Henry passed an act
A restraint of appeals which meant that the King could finally argue his facts.
As Anne’s child had to be unquestionably legitimate a divorce was in need
Now finally because of this act, Katherine and Henrys divorce could proceed.
This was planned to take place in Dunstable – where it could be quiet and discreet
Catherine would be called again, and with Parliament she would again meet.
April 1533, the news of the King’s remarriage to Anne was out in the court
The Lady Anne walked with pride, and favour from her was sought.
The news was made public, but the wedding date was tactfully fudged
Any date of the secret wedding may have been ‘accidentally’ smudged.
On 9th April 1533, Catherine was told that the King had married Anne
Betrayed by he whom she had loved from when he was a very young man.
Catherine was now Princess Dowager, and should be treated as such
Catherine told Charles of Spain to shed no blood, war would be too much.
At Dunstable, Catherine (now Princess Dowager) refused to appear
Before the King’s Parliament or any of England’s peers.
What did it matter anyway? The King was now a remarried man
And Henry was already planning a coronation for the Lady Anne.
Cranmer declared Henry and Catherine’s marriage invalid on 23rd May 1533
Henry Tudor and Anne Boleyn could now finally be together, happy and free.
No doubt such happiness was also felt by Anne Boleyn’s ambitious kin
For a week later Cranmer placed the crown on the head of Anne Boleyn.
By Esther Hyams
Click here to read the next poem which is about Anne Boleyn’s coronation.