Poem – The King and His Wife

This is Part 14 of Esther Hyams’ series of poems on the life of Anne Boleyn.
The King’s Wife
King Henry was so happy that his beloved Anne Boleyn had so impressed
At Calais, Henry stayed in the Exchequer building with the Lady Marquess.
Their lodgings were hung with illustrious tapestries and holly green velvet
Next would occur a mysterious moment of history, that none could forget.
It is believed that perhaps here in the autumn of 1532, after nearly six years
The King of England and The Lady Marquess Anne Boleyn released of fears.
In this luxurious room many believe that Henry and Anne made love
Was it a success? Did the earth move and the heavens sing from above?
Anne was more than another Bessie Blount, a King’s worthless whim
Did Anne Boleyn on that night, lose her long prized virginity to him?
The full truth of this can of course never be known for sure
But it is likely that Anne finally became Henry’s lover, beyond that door.
What is known, is that, by the beginning of December Anne was with child
She was a pregnant woman who by January 1533 hoped as such, with fears mild.
But an illegitimate child, another Henry Fitzroy, would bring only confusing strife
So there was much rush, as soon as possible Anne must be made the Kings wife.
A quick discreet wedding must be arranged, with much delicacy and care
For inside Anne Boleyn might be a long awaited son and England’s heir.
After all this time, after all the fears, tears, anger and impatience that had been cast
On about St Paul’s Day: 25th January 1533, King Henry and Anne were married at last.
By Esther Hyams
Click here to read the next poem, “Revelations”.