CRASH! Yes, that is the sound of me falling back to Earth after a heavenly time on The Executed Queens Tour. The tour was absolutely amazing and I feel very blessed to have spent the past week with 24 wonderful people and to have shared with them such incredible experiences – I’m missing you all like crazy and I’m now speaking a very strange mix of American, Irish and British! Love you guys and miss you if you are reading this!

I’m sure you have been reading my daily diary blogs of the tour and I hope that you enjoyed them. I apologise if they didn’t make any sense whatsoever but I was writing them very late at night or very very early in the morning. It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone on Saturday morning and also to say goodbye to Hever Castle, a place that has got into my blood and somewhere that feels very much like home to me. Everyone felt the same about Hever, there’s something very magical and mysterious about it. Apologies also for not returning emails or responding to comments but one just cannot do it when one is on a Royal Progress of Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Yorkshire, London and Kent. Sorry, I really will get back to normality soon.
Do check out our photos on our Flickr page – Enjoy!