Kindle Fiction Promotion 99p or 99c
MadeGlobal Publishing's fiction books are on offer as Kindle Countdown Deals on and Amazon UK from 1am…
The REAL TRUTH about Anne Boleyn - The Most Happy
MadeGlobal Publishing's fiction books are on offer as Kindle Countdown Deals on and Amazon UK from 1am…
Just to let you know that MadeGlobal's historical fiction books are on offer today (16th July) and tomorrow…
Hunter S. Jones's book Phoenix Rising: A Novel of Anne Boleyn is now available for pre-order on Kindle…
Thank you to historical novelist Judith Arnopp for stopping by The Anne Boleyn Files to share news of…
On day 3 of her virtual book tour author Adrienne Dillard is stopping at Susan Bordo's The Creation…
Author Adrienne Dillard's virtual book tour kicks off today at Sarah Bryson's Anne Boleyn: From Queen to History…
Congratulations to Simon Anderson on the publication of his debut historical novel The Claimant which has just been…