Here’s Tim’s diary entry for day two of the tour…
Well, after an amazing breakfast we started our full day at Hever Castle with a private tour around the castle. Our guide was very knowledgeable and it was great to spend some time looking at the wonderful portrait collection here. After that, I took a group to St. Peter’s church, where we spent time in this peaceful parish church looking at the graves of Thomas Boleyn and the small cross of Henry Boleyn (one of Anne’s brothers who died as a child). The church is wonderful.
After a tasty lunch we each went our own ways to enjoy the grounds and castle here before meeting up again at 5pm to hear John Guy and Julia Fox “In Conversation” about the fall of Anne Boleyn. John and Julia are such Tudor experts and were able to quickly cover the ground about the various theories regarding Anne’s fall, and Jane Boleyn’s alleged role. Fascinating.
Our evening banquet meal was a starter of salmon, followed by guinea fowl with char-grilled asparagus and the dessert was a lemon tart (all delicious). It was great that John and Julia could stay with us through the meal, and many questions were asked and answered.
Some of us then headed on to the “Henry VIII” pub for a drink. It’s a fun local pub and we had a great time.
Time for bed now as tomorrow we are off to Hampton Court Palace.
Photos from today can be found at:
- Morning at Hever Castle and St Peter’s Church – http://www.flickr.com/photos/theanneboleynfiles/sets/72157631620684177/
- In Conversation with John Guy and Julia Fox – http://www.flickr.com/photos/theanneboleynfiles/sets/72157631624109981/
Yet again a wonderful set of photographs, especially of the church, which even though have been to Hever 4 times, have never managed to go in and see, cos of losing track of time when I get in the castle and gardens!! The photos of the church in the dark are very ‘atmospheric’, I would love to have one blown up, put in a frame to hang besides my water colour print of the castle…tell Tim ‘Thanks a lot’ for tormenting us with that lovely food :)…made me hungry off to grab a sandwich now, poor substitute compared to those offerings though…
I found John Guy’s book ‘Tudor England’ last week on my weekly search in the local charity shops, for £1.50. A very lucky week for it was for history books, bet you already have and read them though Claire, the others were:
The ‘Mary Tudor’ Trilogy, by Hilda Lewis: the set contains ‘I am Mary Tudor, Mary the Queen, and Bloody Mary. Fiction written 1971.
The First Trial of Mary QofS. by Gordon Donaldson. Prof. of Scottish History. I presume fact? written 1969.
The Captive Queen of Scots, by Jean Plaidy. Read this as a young ‘un many years ago, but its a 1st edition hardback so I’m well chuffed!! – have you read any of these Claire?
And at last, but not least…(from Amazon, not a charity shop!) your two offerings to the literary world, that are on top of the pile for reading first. Oh yes and Katherine the Queen, by Linda Porter. Long Scottish winter reading sorted then..lol…really am going to have to move the hubby out to make room for my ever increasing library 🙂
Oh how I wish I was there. That is my dream trip! Thanks for the pics. How nice:))))
Absolutely beautiful. I hope I get the chance to go there so I can see everything first hand. I will just have to live vicariously through you lol
Just one question. I read somewhere that they put brass crosses to mark the graves of children. So was the picture of the cross Henry Boleyns tomb?
My hope is visit the Great Castles of England and walk in the foot steps of time long past.To wonder what it was like to be there some 500 years ago,and capture the grandjure of long ago.I wonder if you visit can you dress in period costume??Any one know? Regards Baroness