On 2nd May 1536, with just 17 days left to live, Queen Anne Boleyn became very much aware of trouble at court.
At Greenwich Palace, on this day in 1536, the queen was called before the king’s council, arrested, and taken to the Tower of London to be imprisoned. Her brother, George Boleyn, Lord Rochford, was also arrested and taken there.
Meanwhile, King Henry VIII met with his illegitimate son, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset.
Find out more about this fateful day in 1536 in my video:
There are lots and lots of Tudor history videos on my Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube channel, so please do consider subscribing – click here. I add new content on a daily basis. If you prefer audio, then my talks are also available as podcasts on Podbean or your usual podcast app. And, if you prefer reading, then this website has thousands of articles, including one on 2 May 1536.
And today’s normal “on this day” video is on Joan Bocher, a Protestant who was burnt at the stake in the reign of King Edward VI:
I can’t believe it’s only been slightly over a week since the proceedings began. As we know from Anne’s conversation with Mathew Parker she was aware that something bwas coming down so her arrest may not have been a surprise to her but the charges had to have been a complete shock. Of course she was hysterical when in the Tower. She had been accused of the most heinous crimes and she knew Henry well enough to know how this was going to end whether she was guilty or not. Another example of why I think Henry was putting on a show is his visit to Fitzroy. This was unnecessary. Why go out of his way to tell him if he wasn’t aware of it to begin with? It’s like telling your neighbor ‘That broken window on your house wasn’t me’. It seems like Henry was trying to cover his tracks but was was making a poor job of it
I have never heard of this woman before but she sounds very interesting firstly intelligent and brave to, like Anne Askew who sadly met her death in the flames, that same fate was to await Joan but how did she end up there? I think the authorities viewed her as a bit of a nuisance like Askew and Barton the holy maid of Kent, Claire mentions she came from Steeple Bumstead in Kent a name which makes me chuckle to, we do have strange names along the length and breadth of Britain, in Sussex there is a place called Pease Pottage which sounds like pease pudding to me, then there is a place somewhere called Ugly – very droll! However getting back to Joan, she had some views which many found scandalous at the time and heretical, she believed that the body of Christ was celestial meaning divine, understandable since he had god for a father, but then she refuted the existence of his mother Mary in his birth which was not acceptable to the Catholic nor the Protestant belief, such views were deemed dangerous in the day but it appears first of all she was deemed as being rather misguided, nor overtly heretical or wicked, King Edward had her imprisoned for a year and he was quite content it appears to keep her there, but pressure was put on him to execute her, he may have had some sympathy for Joan, she was visited by a priest but refused to recant and thus save her life, her beliefs like those of Anne Askew were important to her and she died bravely, I find it amusing that at the end she was mocking the doctor who tried to save her by telling him to go and read the scriptures, a very brave and unusual lady indeed, it was a pity she had to die.
Joan Boucher was a fiesty and zealous defender of her Anabaptist Faith and was in trouble for it several times, as zealous as Anne Askewe but there was a big difference between them in theology as Joan didn’t believe in the flesh birth of Jesus via the Virgin Mary. This was an unusual belief in the sixteenth century but it was one of the doctrines of the Medieval Cathars and she was also influenced by Dutch Anabaptism as well as the belief that the Real Presence of Jesus wasn’t present in the Communion Bread and Wine. For a woman who had a reasonable knowledge of scripture and a long history of getting the better of those who tormented her, she chose a very none Biblical doctrine to die for.
Joan is quite well known because John Rogers who was the first martyr burned under Mary I refused to help commute her sentence saying that burning was a gentle punishment suitable for a woman. Many of those who scoffed at her beliefs and called her heretical had themselves attacked reformers and those who believed the same things as Anne Askewe did, that the Communion was just bread and wine, became the mainstay of the Edwardian regime and his reformation and some conformed under Mary as well. One was Richard Rich who changed his religious profession as someone might change their shoes. Joan Boucher confronted her accusers over their hypocrisy. It’s also ironic that of all people the man most involved in the execution of this woman was Thomas Cranmer, whose own execution as a Protestant martyr is the most famous. Joan was executed for heresy not as a martyr but she is to be admired for her courage, strong performance, strong personality, as a noble woman who knew the Scriptures well and of good character. She was in trouble many times and I love her defiance of male authority in defence of her right to freedom and radical thought, odd though her beliefs may have been.
Talking Tudors podcast posted 4/30 is All Things Boleyn with Sandra Vasoli’s.
Stupid auto correct added (‘s) after I hit enter.
On this day the 2nd of May 1536 Queen Anne Boleyn was told to present herself before the council and was informed that she was being accused of having committed adultery with Sir Henry Norris and the lowly Mark Smeaton, a young musician in her husbands employ, whatever else she had been expecting it could not have been this, she had maybe suspected something was wrong the way the king had abruptly left the May Day celebrations the day before, the last few months had not been easy and she was aware her husband was tired of her and was often in the company of Jane Seymour, a son would have made her position secure something she did not have, and she was painfully aware her enemies were gathering to bring her down, she had quarrelled with Cromwell once her friend now her enemy, and he was a dangerous man to have as a foe, she was at Greenwich where the court had gathered for the May Day celebrations and had been watching a game of tennis, all unsuspecting she watched in the warm May sunshine unaware of the storm clouds gathering over her, Anne was to complain later that she had been cruelly handled at Greenwich with one member of the council, Fitzwilliam appearing to be in a dream as if it was every day a queen was charged with adultery, and her uncle who kept sarcastically tut tutting, no doubt relishing this moment his niece was put in her place, it appears they were disrespectful towards her and Anne refuted all the charges, she must have been sheer amazed at what they were saying to her, anger fear disbelief all those emotions must have been running through her, she was told she was to go to the Tower everything was moving with undue haste, she must have demanded to see the king but that of course was not allowed, she was allowed to go back to her apartments to gather some belongings clothes and sundries and that must have been a terrible time for her, then they had to wait for the tide to turn, by now Anne must have been trying to exercise self control, but when she was in the Tower it vanished and she became hysterical laughing and crying alternately, she was never to see her husband again nor her daughter who was a little under three years old, and she must have ached to hold her, she must have yearned to see the king and proclaim her innocence and her loyalty towards him, but she was never to have that chance and soon she was joined by a group of women whom she neither liked nor trusted, one of these was her aunt and one was the wife of the Constable of the Tower, a Mrs Kingston, Anne was to complain that the king was being cruel to give her women she did not like, they were ordered to spy on her by Cromwell and everything she said and did was reported back to him, her wretched brother was also arrested for misprision of treason but later he was to be charged with incest along with Anne, the grim Tower now had three prisoners and soon others would follow, Wyatt Weston and Brereton, the court must have been a hot bed of intrigue fear and mistrust, gossip must have been rife in the London taverns, and many must have watched the queen in the royal barge as she was rowed to the Tower, they must have been amazed when she alighted and was escorted inside, she was taken ironically to the same sumptuous apartments she had resided in during her coronation, she must have wept at the contrast between then when she had arrived triumphantly to be greeted by the king, and the situation she was in now, no loving husband no fanfare and procession to greet her, but the unsmiling face of Sir William Kingston the Constable of the Tower, fear must have raced through her as she asked him if she would die without justice, as if she already knew her days were numbered, yet she could not have thought she would die, queens were not executed, they were banished and sent to nunneries, for a Queen of England to be sent to the Tower of London was an unprecedented act in itself, Europe must have looked on amazed at the treatment of this queen whom the King of England had ripped his realm asunder in order to possess her.
I really don’t know where to begin, this gets harder every year. Anne must have known something was happening but she couldn’t see the future and an arrest was perhaps the last thing she expected, although I suspect she had a good idea it would at the very least lead to her removal from the throne. Anne had seen it all in the last ten years, seven as the lover of a King and three as his wife and Queen and she knew Henry’s every mood, but something was different. She had known Henry to sulk with anger, to avoid and ignore her, not speaking to her for days, even weeks, but they had always made up, passionately and the storm had passed. Yet, over the last two weeks Henry had been more deceptive, more moody, more secretive, more evasive, more deceptive, more unpredictable and he was planning something big.
Anne had seen him put on a show of demanding her public recognition and she had seen him practically push her out of his life as he ignored her desperate pleas with Elizabeth in her arms. That was the point at which Anne in her heart must have lost hope. Henry was being unreasonable in her judgement, he may well have threatened her. His language towards her could well have been violent, we have no idea what was said save it was very clearly vicious and angry. Anne knew Smeaton was missing, by now she must have heard rumours about his arrest and I am guessing that she was nervous, suspicious and frightened. Her anxiety levels were probably of the scale. At the joust the next morning, Henry had appeared fairly normal, even in a good mood, but it was another deception and Anne was left dazed and puzzled, alone and worried as Henry ‘s face turned to thunder and he left the tournament and headed back to the palace. That night she was pampered as usual, treated as a Queen aught to be, the next day the May celebrations continued but this time Anne attended a tennis match by herself. These were her last hours of freedom and we can only guess at the anxious thoughts which may have clouded her mind as she smiled graciously at the people as they greeted her as their Queen. The sun shone and Anne settled down to watch the competitors, tried to relax as best she could, all the while her mind was elsewhere. Then the rain clouds rolled in and the skys exploded above her. A summons had come from the King’s Council. She was to attend at once on some formal urgent business. It was the beginning of the end.
The sequence of the three arrests of George Boleyn, Henry Norris and an unknown third gentleman, believed to be William Brereton isn’t clear but they were certainly on their way to the Tower by two in the afternoon and had all arrived that evening. George was arrested in secrecy, which was some feat given that there was no privacy anywhere in the palace. As the Queens brother, his apartments must have been fairly close to hers or the King’s. His arrest was kept from Anne. Henry was about to do a vanishing act and Anne never saw him again, unlike his ancestors and some of his Scottish and foreign cousins he didn’t attend one single execution. I can’t really say I blame him, I am no Tudor, this to me wasn’t entertainment, it’s gruesome and cruel, the real thing isn’t the same as watching remotely or unreal execution on television, its a nightmare. Anne’s memory would be destroyed, her name unspoken, like some Egyptian Pharaohs, her name struck from history and as far as many are concerned, without any contemporary evidence to record such an order, her portraits destroyed. Anne was completely abandoned, her women taken and replaced by the Cromwell spies, on orders to record her every word and her friends banished from her side.
Now she faced down her angry and incandescent Uncle of Norfolk who tut tutted her pleas of innocence, the Council read the charges and told her she was charged with adultery with three men, she was spoken to brutally and without respect and told to prepare for her journey to the Tower. Anne was really inconsolable as her mind was filled with dread and her arrest would have been marked by the public because she went to the Tower by boat. Ironically she was held at the Royal Apartments where she had stayed before her coronation. Anne was so confused and afraid that at first she believed she was going to a dungeon. She fell to her knees and begged for kindness from the man who had put her there and began to babble about being free from sin and declared herself Henry’s true and lawful wife. She begged the mercy of God and had to be supported to her chambers, momentarily she regained her composure and asked for the Blessed Sacrament, that is the Real Presence of Jesus in the Consecrated Host held in a Monstrance, to be placed in her rooms. Anne wept for her mother, whose health was fragile and feared for the loss of her friend’s child. She demanded to know where her brother was and her hysteria and babbling betrayed her fear, terror and deep confusion and anxiety. She was alone, nobody to help or offer her consolation, no friendly faces around her, her mind in turmoil, no consolation but her faith and that must have even been shattered. She collapsed and wept and gave herself to prayer.
I am, as always, thoroughly enjoying your three-way conversation and, as always, learning new things.
I’ve treated myself to Hilary Mantel’s last book in her Cromwell trilogy – a heavy tome it is – and as I went on my daily walk with Kafka the collie yesterday, I fell to wondering (if I were Cromwell) how I would go about dealing with the eloquent and diplomatically skilled George Boleyn. Silence him, basically? I didn’t know that George was charged with ‘misprision of treason’ and I’m not absolutely sure what that means. Anyone?!
Hi Globerose. ‘THE DIRECT CONCEALMENT OF KNOWLEDGE OF A TREASONABLE ACT OR FELONY’. This is from the Google dictionary on my phone. Of course under this loose term almost anything could be listed and we all know under Henry VIII it was. I’m guessing incest with his sister wasthrown in because the ‘misprision’ charge was too weak. BTW: Love the name of your dog.
How’s your granddaughter doing?
Afternoon, Globerose, how is your granddaughter? Hope you are all fine.
Misprison was exactly as the dictionary said concealing knowledge of treason and hiding that knowledge.
I am now wondering what they thought George Boleyn knew. The obvious things I am guessing would be that he spoke to, visited and spent time in the Queen’s presence and in her chambers almost every day. Therefore he saw everything, she confided in him, then in committing incest which was sinful, may or not be criminal, depending on the law, he was also hiding treason because if he slept with Anne because she was desperate for a child, he hid her treason as well. I know that’s a stretch and one would not sleep with someone to get pregnant if your husband had bedroom problems as they would know the child possibly wasn’t theirs. It was treason to pass the child of adultery off as the heir to the throne. It’s a crime Louis xiii believed Anne of Austria was guilty off but said nothing as they had waited 20 years for a son and heir. In fact Louis xiv most likely was his son because it was after he had her alleged lover arrested and executed that Anne on her journey back to Paris met with her husband and had a passionate encounter. Louis, called Gift from God, was born exactly nine months later. Anyway I diverge.
The knowledge George might have concealed in the minds of the government was potentially explosive, who came and went and why and who helped them, whom the Queen had confessed to him as her lovers, her secrets, as brother and sister might, the bedroom secrets of Henry and Anne and so much more. The paper George read out in Court is revealing, because in it he said Anne had confided that Henry had ” neither the skill or the stamina to satisfy a woman “in bed, something which she had said to her sister by law, Jane Boleyn, who must have spoken to George. The paper then accused him of joking about the clothes Henry wore and spreading lies that Henry wasn’t the father of Henry Viii. That of course would be treason and maybe the interrogators thought George was actually concealing real knowledge of the parentage of Princess Elizabeth. They could certainly make up such accusations and imagine them as part of the false case against him. George Boleyn doesn’t strike me as the most discreet person in the world, but why on earth would he gossip about the legitimacy of his own niece, even in jest, especially as she was a royal Princess, the daughter of his King and Queen, the lawful heir at that time?
With nothing to lose in Court, as he was already condemned, he had to read the paper out, no matter how embarrassing it was for Henry and he did so with impunity in front of 2000 people. George probably ensured his own death by doing this but the entire thing was a farce and he was intelligent enough to realise it. Both Anne and George made good defenders and a bet was made that he would be freed and cleared but that wasn’t the order of the day. Henry was truly embarrassed by all this and it’s maybe a factor in why he avoided the public trial of Kathryn Howard and Jane Boleyn. I will just add I don’t believe Jane gave any evidence about her husband or betrayed him and on this account history has done her wrong and you all know the book recommendation here. Julia Fox has put all of those lies to bed. Hopefully her reputation will be completely recovered one day.
Regarding Elizabeth’s paternity there is no doubt Henry is her father. When you see the painting of her at age thirteen and later portraits she looks just like him with the same face shape, same nose and red hair but with her mother’s dark eyes.
I love that George, against orders read that paper. I think he knew he was condemned regardless and at least he got a bit of a dig in.
I would love to see what was considered ‘proof’ against the accused. I have a feeling that today we would call it ‘hearsay’ with nothing tangible to back it up. Oh well, for Henry VIII that was enough to slaughter 6 people.
I completely agree, Michael, it was enough just to allege such a thing. Although Henry is reputed to have occasionally stated Elizabeth was the daughter of Mark Smeaton or Henry Norris, its highly unlikely he actually believed that. He didn’t withdraw from Elizabeth for a time because she was the child of x but because she was Anne’s daughter. Yes, her portraits do show the young Elizabeth looking very much like Henry. I doubt he could seriously look at her and think otherwise. They had to accuse George of something. If I remember correctly, the indictments are particularly lude and vividly describe what went on between Anne and George, whereas later they are more generic. We get more specific details, like his tongue in her mouth and hers in his, very hot stuff, because it seemed that the aim was to particularly dishonour and blacken the name of both Anne and her brother.
I love that George ignored the directive and read out the paper also, because he knew he was condemned anyway, almost saying up yours!
The evidence was absolutely rubbish, none existent, totally invented, bits of harmless conversation all twisted into some kind of dark and treasonous plot, odd bits of gossip blown up out of all proportion and a list of times and places which make no sense, but which nobody would dare to question, a jury and set of judges who were guaranteed to deliver the right verdict of guilty, a forced confession, the odd bit of “testimony” possibly dragged from frightened ladies in waiting, all twisted to sound like an air tight case, that really amounted to nothing but hear say, although this was accepted as evidence, if under oath, just enough for the King to send, as you say, six innocent people to their deaths. Henry had even played the feeling sorry for himself card with his illegitimate son, telling him he and his sister were lucky to have escaped the clutches of the evil Anne Boleyn, who had slept with upwards of 100 men and plotted to poison them. Anne wasn’t charged with any such alleged crimes. Henry just wanted to make certain nobody, not even Henry Fitzroy, who was reported to be fond of his stepmother, felt any sympathy towards her. Mary, of course would have believed anything she was told about her wicked stepmother. She didn’t learn about how dangerous her father could be towards her or his part in her ill treatment until well after Anne’s death.
Ah ha! Thanks Michael & BQ for your explanations. I’ve heard of it before – Wolsey, I think? – and probably intended to look it up and forgot!
My little granddaughter was knocked for six by ‘a virus’ but has recovered with a bounce. She’s made me a sticker for my window thanking the NHS. Otherwise I know of no-one in my immediate friends and family who have had this Covid-19 and am grateful for that. Thanks for remembering.
Keep well, be safe, stay happy.
Wonderful news. Kids are tough thank heavens. I know of no one in my vicinity either who has it. I hope it stays that way. I’m getting a lot of reading in. I think I have 5 books going at this moment.
Hi Michael, Globerose, that’s really good news. My cousin had it, her daughter visited my Aunt, who visited my mum, so they were all self isolated for 14 days. Mum and Aunt are shielded anyway, although mum escaped last week. She had a fall in January so has not been out anyway. I have been round with food but can’t really stay long. I have to be careful with Steve being vulnerable. She lost her mobile phone the very day he came home from hospital and nobody can find it. So first thing to do after lockdown.
Rebecca was in hospital but only for a short period. She took a breathing machine home but is o.k now. Nobody else got it, a lot of tough old birds in those flats lol, but they got told off by manager for going to visit one another. Someone reported one of them for visiting the lounge, which she was allowed to do as long as she didn’t have anyone within two meters. They can also socially distance in the garden, so they all wait until Rita goes home and then all have a cuppa. I don’t know! 90 year-old olds acting like naughty school kids. Oh well, at their age, who can blame them? So my Aunt visiting twice a week and mum visit her twice a week. They own their own flats so you can’t really stop them. Quite a carry on!
Sadly, Christine’s boss and friend passed away a couple of weeks ago from Covid 19,_she was very upset. They ran a charity shop together for many years. Sounds like she was a lovely lady. Such a shame. This is affecting a lot of people, we all have to be very careful.
My friends father died from covid 19 as well, he was only 66, his family are devastated, his funeral is Tuesday 5th, I would have gone but not allowed, I recall Boris Johnson saying a few months ago that we are all going to know someone who will have it, and/ or die from it, it was a grim warning, I’m glad your cousins well and also Globerose’s granddaughter Bq, my aunt lives in a warden controlled flat and she’s finding it hard with isolation, the old folk would all meet up in the lounge in the afternoon for a chat but they can’t do that now, I ring her now and then and she has others who ring her to, I know what you mean about old folk acting naughty, I remember when my father was on his medication for an infected foot, the rule was no food for an hour after, well it was summer and I had an ice cream and he was sulking like a child because he couldn’t have one, he kept saying ‘I want an ice cream’ in the end to stop his moaning I let him have one, anything for a quiet life!
Sorry to hear that, Christine, very sorry about the loss of your friends father. My condolences to the family. My condolences to yourself as well. Take care of yourself.
I recall after they moved Steve’s feeding tube and ventilator from his mouth and nose after he had come out of his coma five years ago and he was really thirsty. I had a bottle of water and took a few sips because its very dry air in ICU and his eyes lit up. I already knew he was still 0 by mouth and was on a drip, well several, but I didn’t know about drinking. I said I didn’t think he could have any water but I would ask and he actually started to cry. I asked the nurses and she brought water with these pink sponges, which you use to wet his lips and around his mouth but they said not to let him suck or sip. Well that was easier said than done, he was sipping like mad, but swallowed slowly. He got caught by the nurses who gave up and brought a straw instead. They are worried about him damaged his throat but as he could obviously swallow, they let him. Pink lollipops we called them. It’s not like coming out in the movies, you need to wean off the ventilation like a baby of a bottle and it’s hard work. I can really emphasise letting your dad have ice scream, it’s hard to make patients behave. Keeping in touch is really important, something I believe this crisis has really brought home to everyone.
What others thought of Anne wasn’t so important but at least her own daughter didn’t think bad of her. We see that with her adoption of Anne’s falcon badge and her ring with the portraits of herself and her mother. I’ve read others trying to say it’s someone else other than Anne but that would make no sense.
I hope that Elizabeth heard good stories of her mother as she grew up, certainly there are the letters she received from Matthew Paris and Alexander Aleis, the life by William Laytimer, all positive reports of Anne, maybe she heard from one of her governesses, the truth, the memories kept alive through them. The locket ring can only be the portrait of Anne or based on one, it must be representative of her mother, its the only explanation that makes sense. She had faithful servants, one of whom she was Blanche Parry, who cared for her for most of her life, was her confidant, her Mistress of the Robes as Queen, who must have talked about her mother to Elizabeth. That at least is something to be thankful for, that Elizabeth at least had her memoirs kept alive by those who loved her.
Yes Anne had those who loved her and they would have told Elizabeth very positive things about her mother, she would have been told how ardently her father had pursued her how much in love he had been, how he had defied Rome to marry her and forsook his queen of twenty years, she would have been told how Henry also gave Anne wonderful gifts, maybe she learnt of the hind he had killed and sent to her, and how it was accompanied by the note of how he hoped when she eat it she would think of him, one gift he gave her was of a gold ornamental clock a very valuable gift as clocks were quite new then, maybe Elizabeth inherited that from her mother along with the famous pearl necklace with Anne’s signature B hanging from it, she would have been told how by her very elegance and sense of style and her witty repartee she excelled all the other women at court, how her voice was so sweet it was said to make grown men weep, and of her many other virtues to, how charitable she was and how very pious, how well she run her household no vulgarity no coarseness, she forbade the men of her household to visit brothels, she expected the highest standards from all of them, this is in complete contrast to how Cromwell portrayed the queen as residing over an immoral court, like Sodom and Gomorrah, those who were in Anne’s household knew that just was not true, there may have been flirting and laughter and music but immorality – no, Elizabeth would have heard of the dreadful charges aimed at her mother, she would have heard of her protests of innocence and those who died with her, Smeaton can be discounted as it was plain then as it is today that he must have been threatened with a dreadful death, Elizabeth would have heard how she took the blessed sacrament and swore on her innocence, she would have heard of her valiant death and been proud of that, and although she never spoke her name in public she honoured her in other ways, she adopted Anne’s falcon badge and had her mothers arms entwined with her own on her table linen, she commissioned the famous locket ring containing two portraits, one of the queen and the other surely can only be that of her infamous mother, the French hood she wears by then in Elizabeth’s reign was out of date, one source believes it could be Elizabeth as a young girl or even Catherine Parr her beloved stepmother, but I believe it is Anne Boleyn I cannot see like Michael how it could be anyone else, and why should Elizabeth wear a ring containing two portraits of herself anyway? Elizabeth also favoured her maternal relations above her paternal ones, maybe partly because they called her illegitimacy into question, but I think another reason is because she felt closer to her mother, she was also kind to one of Sir Henry Norris’s sons, son of the man who died protesting his and her mothers innocence, Anne had her champions and Bq mentions Blanche Parry who lived to quite an age and could remember rocking the queen in her cradle, she to would have told Elizabeth wonderful things about her mother.
You had mentioned earlier that this gets harder every year. I have to agree. It seems the more I learn about what happened and as time goes on the less it feels like the discussion of historical personae and the more it feels like flesh and blood people currently in our midst and each year I am sadder and madder at what happened in May of 1536. The old adage ‘time heals all wounds’ doesn’t have any hold here. Though this has nothing to do with me and it happened almost five centuries ago I feel it more acutely each year. Odd and a bit crazy I admit.
Hi Christine. I’m sorry about your friend’s father. Did he have any other health issues?
I feel very blessed that I have never been an overly social person so keeping to myself is no problem. I have phone and email contact with my brother who is 235mi south of me and I talk to my friend in NY every morning and we email each other all the time. For social butterflies I have much sympathy.
Hi Michael, I’m not aware of any health issues my friends said he was healthy enough, it was very sad he had a cough and found difficulty breathing, they called an ambulance and diagnosed covid 19, he died within two weeks just before my boss died, they are really wrecked by it because apart from that he was fine, and as you can guess it was so sudden and unexpected, there’s been people dying from it who they say didn’t have any underlying health issues, you keep well yourself Michael you must be at low risk since you only have minimal contact.