On this day in 1536, although she may have had an inkling that something was going on at the royal court, Queen Anne Boleyn could not have known that she only had twenty days to live.

On 29th April 1536, the queen had encounters with two courtiers who would eventually be executed for allegedly sleeping with her and plotting with her to kill King Henry VIII. The courtiers in questions were musician Mark Smeaton and her husband’s friend and groom of the stool, Sir Henry Norris.

Find out about these men, and what happened when Anne encountered them on 29th April 1536, in this video:

There are lots and lots of Tudor history videos on my Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube channel, so please do consider subscribing – click here. I add new content on a daily basis. If you prefer audio, then my talks are also available as podcasts on Podbean or your usual podcast app. And, if you prefer reading, then this website has thousands of articles, including one on 29th April 1536.

And today’s normal “on this day” video is on Mary, Queen of Scots, and the Earl of Bothwell:

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