As today is the anniversary of the death of miniaturist John Hoskins in 1665, I thought it was only right to share with you his beautiful miniature of Anne Boleyn.
This miniature, although painted in the 17th century, is said to have been based on “an ancient original” and Anne Boleyn’s biographer, historian Eric Ives, puts forward the idea that Hoskins may have had access to a lost Holbein portrait of Anne Boleyn, a full-length portrait known to have been in the possession of Lord Lumley in 1590 and known to have existed as late as 1773. Ives believes that this miniature “is the best depiction of Anne we are ever likely to have, failing the discovery of new material”, so it is an important work of art.
Isn’t it beautiful?
Read more about Anne Boleyn portraiture in my article “Anne Boleyn Portraits – Which is the True Face of Anne Boleyn?”
Notes and Sources
- “The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn”, Eric Ives, 2004, p43
I apologize for a post made to me through the ABF site. It was done in error. Thank you. I enjoy your site and would not intentionally abuse it. Thank you.
Hi Opal,
I don’t know what you’re talking about but don’t worry 🙂
Claire, This min pic is stunning it reminds me of the ring and pendent I bought last year,can this be made aswell? Tiffs work is outstanding and would like to buy one! I allso have Katherines ring / neck peice a work of ART Tiff! Let me no in time if It can be done as you are buzy,or have Tiff get with. Hope all is well at the boo lauch ,and am sure you will do very well . Regards Baroness Von Reis
Dear Baroness Von Reis,
I live in the United States – Pennsylvania. My sister is writing a unique book about Anne Boleyn. She has been to the Vatican and actually held in her hands some of the personal letters written back and forth from Henry and Anne. I am a painter and will be the illustrator of my sister’s book. It’s detailed and been highly researched. Would you have any interest in communicating with her or commisioning a paitning of Anne? Hoping for a response. Be well.
Kind regards,
Beth A. Corry
The “Anne Boleyn Portraits – Which is the True Face of Anne Boleyn?” article was fascinating. The Somerley Portrait looks exactly like the woman in the Cornelli one and the Somerly one of all the ones I’ve seen most matches the portrait in Queen Elizabeth’s ring.
I’ve never seen the Somerley one before. It’s the first Anne Boleyn portrait that shows her allure. It’s the first real-looking Boleyn photo, and in looking at it, you can see why she attracted. Her eyes draw one’s gaze.
“Known to have existed as late as 1773.” The mind boggles – what happened after 1773?
I like her expression – even in this miniature, you can see her flirtatious nature in the sparkle in her famous black eyes, and her little smile.
This is a lovely portrait—but her hair is more of a chestnut than dark brown. What do you think is the real color?
Anne ,I agree some say that Annes hair was black,but it was a dark aburn or as you say ,a dark chestnut would be about the same,After viewing this min pic pretty sure she did have a very dark aburn or dark chestnut there about the same. Also I do belive that her eyes were very dark brown as I have never heard of anyone having black eyes, this would mean she had no color pigmentation in her eyes,its a shame we don’t have more pics of her back when she was alive. Regards Baroness Von Reis
Wouldn’t it be wonderful for someone to discover this Holbein full length potrait!!! It has to be somewhere!!!!!
Julie, the painting could have been burned, or reused for a different portrait. It could be lost forever.
I remember reading somewhere how this is the portrait that of Anne that is in the ‘Chequers’ locket ring that was worn by Elizabeth 1, and its because of that, it is therefore very likely that this is probably the truest image of Anne as exists – Elizabeth is not likely to have had a picture in the ring that didn’t look like her Mother.
I’ve never heard of the Hoskins miniature being the model for the one in the locket ring, interesting!
Compare this painting with the Somerley portrait. There is little to no doubt in my head that the Somerley portrait is anne, if this painting is the closest we have to anne.
I think she looks beautiful but do you thinks it really Anne as there has been so many false ones the one I thought was Anne for years is the one in the national gallery I don’t why but for me that s Anne how would imagein her .
I love this portrait!
All of the portraits allegedly said to be of Anne are all similar, they show a woman with a long narrow oval face, a strong nose and large eyes with delicate arched brows, there may not be an authentic portrait of her but In between these pictures and the sketch of her said to be drawn by Holbein we can come to the nearest likeness of Anne we are ever likely to get, one only has to look at her daughter Elizabeth’s portraits to see what Anne herself looked like, just take away the red hair and see Elizabeth as a brunette and there we have Anne Boleyn.
On closer examination the sitter resembles Mary Tudor more, Henry V111s sister.
The eyes are captivating – almost “bedroom” eyes.