In October 1532, Henry VIII took Anne Boleyn, who he’d just made Marquis of Pembroke, to Calais with him. The main purpose of this trip was for Henry and Anne to gain King Francis I’s public recognition and approval of their relationship. Henry wanted Francis to then meet with the Pope and push the case for the annulment of Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon.

Here is a timeline of the main events of this trip and you can click on them for further information. I hope you find it useful.

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6 thoughts on “Timeline of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn’s trip to Calais – October 1532”
  1. I have not seen the timeline so detailed like this before. What a trip that was for them, Anne had to have been “the most happy” since she was entering the European stage as the next Queen of England, and had already conceived shortly after their trip (by December 1532).

    1. I always heard that the future Queen Elizabeth I was conceived during the trip to Calais.The weather delay gave Anne and Henry more time together.

  2. Anne was friendly with Francis having known him when she lived in France and he admired her for her style elegance and wit, Henry of course was his big rival and they put on a show of friendship but that’s all it was, this visit was politically motivated as it was intended to show Charles V and Spain that Henry had Francis support for his intended marriage with Anne, Francis I think had secretly applauded Henry for wishing to rid himself of Catherine as he himself had referred to her in a rather derogatory fashion as being old and deformed, but the meeting in Calais did prove to the world that they had the blessing of the French King, how triumphant Anne must have felt on that visit, it was proof to her that Henry intended to make her his Queen, she was being lauded by two powerful monarchs, everything was going well for her and so as an act of gratitude and I think because she felt secure, she at last gave Henry what he wanted and maybe on that blowy blustery night in Calais, our greatest monarch was conceived.

    1. My favourite historical novel (Brief Gaudy Hour) has a wonderful, intimate scene between Henry and Anne in Calais. It’s great.

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