Trailer for the Anne Boleyn event – doors close 25 February

You have until 25th February to grab your ticket and join 8 Boleyn experts and fellow history lovers in a unique and exclusive, completely online 7+ day-long event!

I’m so very excited about this event and I know Gareth, Lauren, Natalie, Sarah, Estelle, Owen and Kate are too!

“Anne Boleyn, the Woman who Changed England” is your chance to learn from the very best Anne Boleyn experts from the comfort of your own home. It’s completely online.

Not only will there be talks from each expert, there will be live Q&A sessions with them so that you can have the chance to ask your burning questions and get them answered in real time.

  • Never before has Anne Boleyn’s early life been explored in such a detailed way.
  • We’ll bring the real Anne Boleyn to life for you and explain just how her background, upbringing and education, and time on the Continent made Anne a young woman who was so very different to her contemporaries at the English court.
  • You’ll understand just how a courtier, poet and king fell in love with her and why King Henry VIII changed the course of English history to possess her.

I’ve just added a bonus interview with authors Natalia Richards and Rebecca Monet to the schedule too! We had such a lovely time discussing their research into Anne Boleyn’s early life for their books.

Here’s a trailer:

This event is for you if you’ve watched “Anne of the Thousand Days” over and over, read every book there is on Anne, relished every documentary, or you’ve just discovered Anne Boleyn and want to know more about her. Do join us!

You can find out more, view the schedule AND grab your ticket at

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