Here’s our weekly round-up of Tudor news! Please add news in the comments below if I have forgotten anything.
- On this day in history – Anne Boleyn’s greatest legacy, her daughter Elizabeth I, had a coronation on this day 451 years ago – 15th January 1559. There is no doubt that Queen Elizabeth I was one of England’s greatest monarchs and, to celebrate her coronation, I have written an article over at the Elizabeth Files on how John Dee, the famous Elizabethan scholar, was asked to choose an auspicious date for Elizabeth’s coronation. See “Elizabeth I’s Coronation Chart”.
- The Anne Boleyn Resource Guide – Many of you have contacted me asking for book lists or for help with assignments etc. so I thought it would be useful if I put together an Anne Boleyn Resource Guide. This guide is around 50 pages of links to articles, fact sheets, podcasts, archives, documents etc. and it also contains a comprehensive booklist for Anne Boleyn and Tudor history and links for teachers and children. I’ve decided to sell it for $2 will all proceeds going to the Mary Rose 500 Appeal to help build the new Mary Rose Museum which will house Henry VIII’s favourite ship along with over 19,000 Tudor artefacts – a great resource for educating people about Tudor times. Click here to purchase and download the guide now.
- Book Review – Historical fiction author Robin Maxwell’s lates book, “O, Juliet”, is due to be released on the 2nd February and I’ve been lucky enough to read a review copy. I loved it and you can read my review at http://reviews.theanneboleynfiles.com/o-juliet-by-robin-maxwell/277. I didn’t think that anyone could do Shakespeare’s story any justice but I was wrong!
- Anne Boleyn Dresses – 504 votes for which Anne Boleyn dress we should launch first! Wow, you guys are amazing. Kris is in the middle of drafting patterns, sourcing material etc. and Daniela is in the middle of designing the headdresses so we think we will be launching the very first Anne Boleyn gown in mid March with other dresses to follow. I’m so excited about this and you all seem to be very excited too. Thanks for letting me know your opinions. I’m going to be wearing the Marquess of Pembroke dress at Hever Castle in May – watch out Hever, here I come!
- New products – I’m not sure how Daniela does it but she has designed and made even more new products this week, including a pretty Mary Boleyn tiara (see Headdresses), Anne Boleyn earrings and more six wives jewelry. I have created a jewelry page for each wife so if you’re a fan of a particular wife you can easily find their jewelry to browse. See under “Six Wives Jewelry” on the Products Menu. Do remember that we are always happy to do custom orders, so if there’s a piece of jewelry or a Tudor hood that you want replicating then please email me at claire@theanneboleynfiles.com.
- Why Did Anne Boleyn Fall? – This sounds like a history exam question, you just need to add the word “Discuss” on the end! Thank you for all your comments on my post looking at the different theories regarding Anne’s fall, I will be examining these theories in the next few weeks.
- The Anne Boleyn Experience 2010 – Payments for The Anne Boleyn Experience 2010 are due by the 16th February so you haven’t got long if you want to reserve your place on the tour. Please see our tour site for full details. I’m excited about meeting you and discussing Anne Boleyn with fellow fans. It will be so nice to discuss her without having people’s eyes glaze over!!
- Henry 8.0 – In this week’s comedy clip, Henry is upset because Catherine has been messing with iTunes! Watch “Buble and Squeak” now and I haven’t spelled it wrong! He does make me laugh!
- BBC History Magazine Quiz – Yay, there was a question on Sir Francis Walsingham this week! I do love it when there are Tudor questions on there.
- Competition – We will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary on the 17th February and I will be launching an article competition to commemorate it. Watch this space!
- Haiti – My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti – what an awful tragedy! I have added a button on the right hand side menu bar to allow people to donate to the Doctors Without Borders Haiti appeal.

Well, my brain is officially fried so I’ll go before I start speaking gibberish! Have a wonderful weekend!