The end of yet another week and time for our weekly round up of Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor news:-
- Anne Boleyn Files 1 Year Anniversary Competition – The AB Files is 1 year old on the 17th February and I will be holding an article competition to celebrate. I’ll announce details on Monday so watch this space!
- Anne Boleyn portrait – This portrait has just been emailed to me. Does anyone recognise it and know any information about it. To me, it looks like a copy of the National Portrait Gallery portrait of Anne but the colouring is quite different. It’s almost as if someone has copied that portrait but corrected Anne’s hair colour and eye colour. If you know anything about it then please tell me in the comments below.
- Anne Boleyn at the Globe Theatre – Thanks go to Sheena and Melissa for pointing this out to me. A play entitled “Anne Boleyn” written by award-winning playwright Howard Brenton, is being performed from the 24th July-21st August 2010 at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Bankside, London. Booking opens on the 15th February.You can find out more at the Globe Theatre website – see http://www.shakespeares-globe.org/theatre/annualtheatreseason/anneboleyn/ – but here is how they describe the play:-
“A celebration of a great English heroine, Anne Boleyn dramatises the life and legacy of Henry VIII’s notorious second wife. Anne Boleyn is traditionally seen either as a pawn manipulated by an ambitious father and his friends into the King’s bed, or as a sexually licentious predator, even a witch.But Brenton puts a very different Anne – and her ghost – on the Globe stage. Witty and confident in her sexuality, she takes on the vicious world of Tudor Court politics. She is in love with Henry but also in love with the most dangerous ideas of her day. Conspiring with the exiled William Tyndale, the great translator of the Bible who was to be burnt as a heretic, Anne plots to make England Protestant, forever.”
- The Tudors Season 4 – If you haven’t already heard, “The Tudors” Season 4 is due to premiere at 9pm ET/PT on Sunday 11th April which is great news for US fans and rather frustrating for the rest of us! Read my post “The Tudors Season 4 – The Final Series” to find out further information and to see the teaser trailer. I’m so glad that they have got Joely Richardson as Catherine Parr as I hate the old nursemaid image of Catherine.
- Jane Boleyn – Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my post “Jane Boleyn and the Fall of Anne Boleyn”, Jane really does seem to be as much of a mystery as Anne. I would highly recommend Julia Fox’s biography of Jane, “Jane Boleyn: The True Story of the Infamous Lady Rochford” as Fox is very thorough in her examination of Jane.
- The Elizabeth Files – Read my post “Cecil’s Fast and Elizabeth I’s Navy” to see how William Cecil and Elizabeth I went about strengthening England’s Navy by introducing Fish Days. Clever!
- The Anne Boleyn Resource Guide – Thanks so much to those of you who have supported The Mary Rose 500 Appeal by purchasing “The Anne Boleyn Guide”. Carolyn, the first customer to buy it, left a comment on last week’s Tudor News saying “Just got your The Anne Boleyn Resource Guide, and it is jam-packed with valuable info. I’ll keep it on my computer desktop page for instant access. The archival links alone make it worth much more than you’re selling it for. Thanks for making it!” Thanks, Carolyn, I’m glad you’re finding it useful.
The guide is only $2 and all proceeds go to the Mary Rose 500 Appeal to help build the new Mary Rose Museum. Click here for more information on the guide and to purchase and download. - Our jewellery – Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be doing some reorganising of our jewellery ranges and discontinuing certain ranges or items so that we can introduce new items. Daniela is always working hard on designing pieces which are replicas from “The Tudors” and we need room for these. I will be having a section for discontinued items, so you may be able to get yourself a bargain or two. Keep an eye on the site!
- Know of a Tudor themed event near you? Then tell me about it and I’ll add it to the Events page.
- Contributing to The Anne Boleyn Files – I look on The Anne Boleyn Files as a community of Anne Boleyn and Tudor fans, rather than MY site, so please feel free to contribute. How? Well, you may have an area of expertise which is Tudor related and you could write an article about this, you could write a book review, you could join the forum and debate Tudor topics with other fans from around the world or you could just leave a comment here and let me know what this site is missing and what you’d like to see on it. Let me know!